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Yuni is a character in Gacha Life, located in Hometown C. She is a cheerful bunny girl. . Her hobby is to fortune tell. She appears as both a preset and a playable battle unit in Gacha Club, one of the first the player receives. She appears briefly in the story as well. There is also a chance that Yuni will briefly appear in WonderEnd.

In Gacha Life, her preferred gift category is Animals.

She was created by Merutoro10.


Yuni reference

Yuni resembles her appearance as a girl consisting of shoulder-length pink hair with hime-cut bangs, slightly large eyes featuring coral-pink and azure four-checker-pattern irises, fair skin, bright-pink blush, and flopping-down long white bunny-ears with rose-colored interiors.

In Gacha Life, she wears a white shirt with puffed sleeves and a pink bow on her neck, a light pink skirt and brown shoes.

In Gacha Club, she wears a short-sleeved crimson dress featuring an A-line miniskirt with pale-pink accents of thin stripes and ruffles at the bottom underneath a white apron a crimson mantle with the same accents as the skirt of her dress and a hood over her head as well as a white ribbon fastened at the center. Plus, she wears a pair of ankle-length brown boots over knee-high white stockings. She also accessorizes a small cherry hairpin with two green leaves on the stem. She occasionally holds a purple chopping knife with light grey tips.



Lemo is Yuni's non-blood-related older sister, who has also been referred to as her best friend. Yuni is fiercely protective of her sister, even threatening the ones who might put Lemo in danger with violence.


Dialogs of Yuni

Gacha Life

  • Hippity hop! (upon starting conversation #1)
  • Let's bounce! (upon starting conversation #2)
  • Today is a good day! (upon starting conversation #3)
  • I don't like when it gets dark! (Talk #1)
  • Don't get me angry! (Talk #2)
  • Have you met my friends? (Talk #3)
  • Isn't my outfit so cute? (Talk #4)
  • I'm Yuni, and I'm so happy! (Talk #5)
  • One of my favorite hobbies is fortune telling! (Ask #1)
  • My favorite fruit would be cheeries! (Ask #2)
  • I just bought this outfit only 3 days ago! (Ask #3)
  • Did you know that Lemo is my bestest friend ever! (Ask #4)
  • I like listening to cheerful music! (Ask #5)
  • I love seeing rainbows in the sky! (Ask #6)
  • If there is one animal I can't stand, it would be snakes! (Ask #7)
  • My friend gave me this bow! (Ask #8)
  • I really enjoy all the types of sweet! (Ask #9)
  • I just love cute things! (Ask #10)
  • A gift for me? (Gift #1)
  • Oooh, what did you get me? (Gift #2)
  • Hip hip hooray! A present! (Gift #3)
  • Thank you for the gift! (Getting a normal gift #1)
  • Your present made me very happy! (Getting a normal gift #2)
  • I'm so excited you got me this! (Getting a normal gift #3)
  • This is sweeter than sugar! (Getting a favorite or 6-star gift #3)
  • You are just the sweetest! (Getting a favorite or 6-star gift #2)
  • This is the cutest thing ever! (Getting a favorite or 6-star gift #3)
  • Your fortune says that you will do well on this quiz! (Starting the quiz)
  • Yay! You got it right! (Quiz/Correct #1)
  • That is correct! Keep bouncing! (Quiz/Correct #2)
  • Yes, you are good at this! (Quiz/Correct #3)
  • See, I told you that you would do well! You got them all right! (Completing the quiz)
  • Oh no, that is very wrong! (Failing the quiz)

Gacha Club

  • "Huh? Where am I? Where is my sister, Lemo? Oh, right next to me haha!" — Yuni's first quote on story mode. ('New Allies - Club Water' (1-2-1))
  • "Hey you crazy cat fairy, you better make sure Lemo doesn't get hurt in these battles!"
    "Yeah, that's what I thought! If something happens to her, I'll melt those wings right off of you!"
    — Yuni's overprotectiveness to her sister, Lemo. ('All Fired Up - Yuni of Fire' (2-3-1))
  • "That's easy for you to say... YOU CAN FLY!!!" — Yuni expressing her anger from Bella's flying advantage. ('Finding Vinyl' (3-4-1))
  • "LET'S JUST CHOP OUR WAY THROUGH THE WALL!!!" — Yuni's genious idea to chop down walls in a maze. ('Follow The Shadows' (4-3-1))
  • "Hold my hand Lemo..." — Yuni's last quote. ('Vicious Vinyl' (5-7-4))
  • "Our true selves are here! We'll be the last two standing once we're through with you!" — Shadow Yuni and Lemo's battle quote. (The text color is pink, so it's most likely Yuni who said it.)


  • She likes listening to cheerful music.
  • She likes sweets and cute things.
  • There is a secret gift that can be obtained from her in Gacha Club. To get it, view the character artwork with the Eye icon on the Enhancement page and tap on her bangs. After that, the player will get resources. Sadly, this can only be done once.


Main article: Yuni/Gallery
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Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book