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Lunime Wiki

Yukina is a character in Gacha Life, located in Snowlands B. She also appears in Gacha Club as a playable battle unit character.

In Gacha Life, her preferred gift category is Candy.

She is created by Senpaibuns.

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Yukina as she appears in Gacha Life


Yukina's relationship is stated to be 'Friend', and her personality is 'Yandere' ('Lonely' in the Android and PC versions). Her occupation is an artist.

Gacha Club Base Stats

  • Club: Club Fluffy
  • Hit Points: 372
  • Attack Power: 28
  • Defense Power: 4%
  • Damage Type: Fire
  • Active Skill: Crit+ Strike (15 MP)- Attacks one enemy for 250% Damage and increases Team Crit Rate by 1% and Crit Damage by 10%
  • Passive Skill: Team Crit Rate + - +2% Team Crit Rate


  • She wants to go to France one day.
  • She loves J-POP and wants to be an Idol singer.
  • Part of her name (Yuki) means snow in Japanese.

