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WonderEnd 0 is a psychological survival game released by Lunime. It is a prequel of WonderEnd, another upcoming RPG Gacha turn-based horror game.

In WonderEnd 0, player takes the role of Alan, a high-school student with a passion for fashion, following down the path of his memories and finding out a disturbing truth.



The game starts with the player, presented as Alan, in a nightmare at 12 AM. To survive the night, the player must fill up the dream meter by completing various tasks and collecting CDs. These CDs are used to decrypt one of Alan’s memory photos. However, the player must watch out of phantasmas that harm one's well-being. Therefore, it's essential to check for potential invaders through the nearby television, seal a red locker, and hide from them.

The night is considered successful when the player survives until 6 AM. After the victory screen, a sequence about the decrypted photo plays, followed by a mini-game or a boss battle.


Taken from the official Google Play page of the game

The prequel to WonderEnd. Enter the world of dreams and discover the origins of the creatures that haunt your nightmares. You play as A000, following his memories along a path of destruction. How will he turn into the ultimate evil? Find clues and hidden secrets that will lead you to the truth, if you are willing to accept it…

Immerse yourself in this psychological, survival thriller that will leave you questioning reality. Will the friends you encounter along the way help you or betray you in the end? Every step you take will lead you closer to the finish, but at what cost. Are you brave enough to enter your dreams and face your nightmares? Download WonderEnd 0 and begin your journey today.


Development for WonderEnd 0 was announced during Christmas of 2022, due to its' initial game being too big. The release of it was expected to be February of 2023, however, due to a huge amount of bugs, was delayed for a later time. During this year, the website for WonderEnd was updated to fit the theme of its' prequel.

On April 1, 2024, another announcement was made regarding the development of the game, stating that it is very close to being finished. A new release date was also teased, the end of April of this year, however, the game still wasn't released during that point of time. Luckily, promotional images were shared, giving a slight glimpse of WonderEnd 0's game play.

On May 29, 2024, a mysterious photo was posted on the official Lunime Instagram page which features a zero, excerpted from the WonderEnd 0 logo, and a note 'COMING SOON'.[1] A short video was also posted which featured Rabi, one of the occurring characters of the upcoming game.[2]

On June 6, 2024, a teaser video of WonderEnd 0 was posted on Merutoro10's YouTube channel.[3] Two days later, the Android port of the said game was opened for preregistration on the Google Play store.

On August 17, 2024, WonderEnd 0 was released on Google Play and marketplaces.[4][5] 3 days later, the iOS version of the game was opened for download on the Apple App Store.[6]


This is a list of characters that will partake in WonderEnd 0's storyline. There are also three characters that make an appearance in the secret ending of the game.



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