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The first thing I realize is the fact I used to complain about AppleLisa's old made-up team not making sense and their lack of permission to be added their "teams", which looking back at it now.... Yeah, I could see why I complained about it much.

Sucks because I now kinda feel bad for her because although she did write some weird fanfics with some of those unpermitted members, I'm a bit worried on how she's doing right now away from the FANDOM now because of how (sorta) harsh we treated her in the past (and I'm gonna assume she was underage at that time), and she probably wanted to have actual friends which possibly explains why she had to use alt accounts and, again, using some members without their permission.

Ah well, the past is the past anyways.

Also my attitude before looked like I had a strict-and-edgy phrase back then, I don't know why I acted like that so much before because the former admin was WAAAYYY too inactive and I had to take charge while they were. But thank goodness I'm starting to feel more carefree now than what I was before.

I'd also say my behavior before was also from the massive off-topic blog posts, vandalism, and strange users back then, and I was pretty tired of seeing them all the time so I'm glad that I'm seeing less of them nowadays.