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Lunime Wiki

The spirits of Water will drown you.
― Undine

Undine is a Water Unit who appears in Gacha World in the third area of Elementia. She also appears as a recruit able character in Gacha Resort, Anime Gacha in the World Element case, and Gacha Club as a preset in Club Water.

Undine does not have an in-game lore page.



Efreet is the Great Spirit of Fire who doesn't get along very well with Undine. Due to elemental boundaries, they cannot work together, thus they always criticize and compare one another's behavior.


Sylph is the Great Spirit of Wind Undine looks up to. Their powers can combine into one, consequently making them a great duo while battling and protecting Elementia. Upon hearing Ellie accuse her of undergoing corruption in the realm, Undine immediately cuts her off, stating that she would never hurt anyone.

Abilities and Skills

Undine upholds the power of water, hence her ability to blast off harmful water strikes to her opponents. Upon summoning her, Undine launches two exploding magic water bubbles at a column of enemies, doing water damage. During the battle, she appears stronger against fire-type enemies but weaker against wind-type enemies.

Name Type Description
Bubble Trouble Column attack Launch two exploding bubbles at a column of enemies
Water HP Boost Leader skill Increases all Water unit's Max HP by 25%

Gacha Club Preset

Undine Birthday Age Favorite Title
Gacha Club Undine Preset
Club Water Title
Character Profile Fav. Unit Fav. Club
I am Great Spirit Undine, commander of Water.
Gacha Club Sebastian Icon Gacha Club Club Water Icon
Created by Favorite Color Personality
Offline Import Favorite Food/Drink Occupation
Copy Preset
Unavailable on Mobile
Great Spirit
:Note: The "Copy Preset" feature is only available on desktop.

Older versions of Gacha Club list Undine's birthday as February 24, 2005, and her age as 15.


  • "The spirits of Water will drown you." - Undine's skill quote in Gacha World
  • "Cool off for a while." - Undine's skill quote in Anime Gacha
  • "I am the Great Spirit Undine, commander of water. Where do you come from?" - Undine in the first part of Great Spirit of Water questline
  • "There are so many monsters pouring in. We need to wash them away!" - Undine in the second part of Great Spirit of Water questline
  • "If only the Great Spirit Sylph was here, we could combine our powers!" - Undine in the third part of Great Spirit of Water questline
  • "We're getting close to the spawn point, agh these monsters just keep appearing!" - Undine in the fourth part of Great Spirit of Water questline
  • "This doesn't look good. Why is this happening?" - Undine in the fifth part of Great Spirit of Water questline
  • "I am Great Spirit Undine, commander of water." - Undine in Gacha Club


  • In Gacha Resort's Challenge mode, Spirit Guardians, it is stated that she is the spirit guardian for The Temple of Water.
  • Undine's name comes from European mythology, in which undines are female nymphs/spirits/sprites/fairies that inhabit water.[1][2]



Features GachaAchievementsOptionsGuide
Shops Gem ShopFashion ShopUpgrade Shop
Story Gacha WoodsGacha KingdomXkourXkour SkylinesElementiaVinyl CityNeon CityGacha MoonRNG World
Events Farm (Season 1)Farm (Season 2)Exp (Season 1)Exp (Season 2)AwakeningCorruption
Challenges Luiselle's WeddingThe Love LetterNeko NyaGacha League
Other Tower
Water S3 Gacha-RoboSwimmer AoiCyto
S4 FrostUndineXyan
S5 DJ LyteBreaker BlaireCreator LuniCykopathRiku KuroiJack AceGemini Yumi-YumaBlaster Evylln
S6 Grandmaster ClaireMummy CyanthiaCandy Cane CykoBaka Blaire
S7 Penelope Coconut
Wind S3 JesterBaller KugariAtom
S4 GwenSylphJessa
S5 DJ CloverHermit TurtlePresident NaomiSagittarius EllynArbiter KeitokuLady LuckKazeto NekoshimaMarie Florepuella
S6 Blooming TiffWolf Spirit KeitoSnowball SylphChocolate Clover
S7 Dice
Fire S3 Devil AkkiYandere KukuBlaz
S4 InfernoEfreetNaito
S5 DJ XScarlet FlareIdol KinenKiller ReddoxCandy TanukiFreera FlameQueen KarmaPyromaniac Xiao
S6 Avenger ReedScythe RipperDJ X-MasSenpai Slayer Kuku
S7 Phoenix Ami
Light S3 Pirate JessieMaid SanaCele
S4 KiliosNekohimeYume
S5 DJ EveNova BladeKitsune MitsukoShiro SnowNanoko ShikiPaladin I'baLord ZeijurCelestial Alice
S6 Starlight EllieScarecrow KiliosChristmas EveCupid Valentine
S7 Lulano Skybunny
Dark S3 Demon HunterLolita LoliLuna
S4 ValeCheeryCindy
S5 DJ PhantomAngelic VioletSuccubus LilithReaperess MagyMelnya KyuzoTormentor SeiyaLolimere SuishoNyxeria Luiselle
S6 Lovely LunithWitch MelodyRibbon Tied PhantomDelicious Melnya
S7 Shishi