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Lunime Wiki

How much love will you provide me with? Let's see!
― Succubus Lilith

Succubus Lilith is Dark unit, who made her debut in Anime Gacha's Demonic Nightmare Case as a 6-Star Unit. She later appeared in Gacha World and is the twelfth boss of the game. She is located in the fourth area of the Gacha Moon where she tries to seduce the Gacha Summoner and Ellie for Corrupted Luni.

She also appears in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, in Anime Arcade game "Lucky Lilith", and in Gacha Resort, starring in Chapter 5 where the Gacha Summoner attempts to get her help with the source of the corruption infecting the resort.

In Gacha World, her special attack is "Charm of Love" in which Lilith uses her powers to take the life force of a single enemy, doing Dark damage.  Her leadership skill is "Dark HP Ultra Boost"  which increases the maximum hitpoints of all Dark units in the party by 50%.

She also appears as a unit and SoC Elemental boss in Gacha Club.


Winter Lilith


Winter Lilith in Anime Gacha

In Anime Gacha, her Winter Lilith variant after appeared in the Winter Holiday case as a 5-star Unit.

Lovely Lunith

Main article: Lovely Lunith

Lovely Lunith is a fusion character of Lilith and Creator Luni who has appeared in Gacha World and Gacha Resort as a 6-star dark unit.

Gacha Club

Main article: Succubus Lilith/Gacha Club

In Gacha Club, Lilith appears a dark battle unit and a Shadows of Corruption elemental boss. She's a representative of Club Dark, with her preset recreation found on the first page. Her active skill is ATK- Strike and her passive skill is Team ATK+.


  • "How much love will you provide me with? Let's see!" - Succubus Lilith's skill quote in Gacha World
  • "Your last moments will be very... pleasurable." - Succubus Lilith in Anime Gacha
  • "Let me give you all the love in the world!" - Winter Lilith in Anime Gacha
  • "Oh? Who do we have here...? Your energy looks delicious! Won't you share it with me?" - Lilith's Gacha Club boss quote.


  • There are speculations that Lilith is the younger sister of Lith, a secondary antagonist in Gacha Club.
    • The reasons for this is that they both have white hair, and are both the same species (succubi), though this hasn't been confirmed.


Main article: Succubus Lilith/Gallery