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Squidi is a NPC located in the train station of Life Mode. You can encounter him all by himself, by traveling through the hometown and city. Alternatively, you can use a teleportation tool to meet him.
Originally born in the Phillippines, Squidi lived on a boat in the ocean, believing his parents to be dead. He later learned they were alive in the US and took his boat here to meet them. They died soon after the reunion, but not before his father gave him his hat. He is currently employed as a train conductor when not doing things as part of the Squid Squad. His goal is making everyone happy.
He was created by Squidi.
Squidi is a light-skinned male character. He has short black hair and brown eyes. His outfit consists of a green suit and black shoes. He has a green cap on his head.
He considers everyone his friend.
Luni lets him chill in his pond with his ducks. This is where the two met as Squidi was adjusting to life on land.
He thinks the squid makes the sound: Bloop.
In the Squid Squad, there are 7,000 members.
His goal is to make everyone happy.
He wore a sleeveless hoodie at one point, when he didn’t have a train and only the Squid Squad.
Dialogues, Quiz and more!
Hope you're having a good day.
Howdy nice to meet ya.
Howdy, the name's Squidi.
I miss my friends I hope they're doing okay where ever they are.
I'm planning on going to the beach to talk to a friend, you wanna come?
Squid squads getting pretty popular. I'm glad we're heling around the cities and towns.
Bloop bloop bloop.
The trains down but we set up portals so no waiting I guess.
Fun fact, squids don't make a sound but in a 1997 recording in the ocean a sound was recorded it was thought to be a squid so it was proven squids go bloop.
My hat was given to me by my father before he....passed away.
Squid squad has over 7,000 members.
Everyone is my friend.
Making everyone happy is my goal.
I used to wear a sleeveless hoodie when I didn't have the train and my only job was squid squad.
I'm actually from the Philippines I used my boat to sail here and meet my parents and I now live here...I do miss my parents though.
I met Luni while sleeping in his pond I was still new to land then so he let me chill in his pond with his ducks.
I used to live on a boat in the ocean until I found out my real parents were alive on least for a while they were.
Squid squad is a group that leads and helps and provides for the communities of every city.
This is only gonna go to someone who needs it more after you give this to me.
You being here is enough, I don't need anything else.
I should be getting you something not viceversa.
Thanks it's to know someone enjoys me as much as I enjoy them.
Woah I've always wanted one of these.
You don't mind if I give it to someone who needs it more, do you
If I could ask for one thing more I would ask all my friends to be here.
This is going right on the train desk so I can admire it while I drive the train.
Someone's earning their rank in squid squad.
This may count as your interview for squid squad but maybe not.
1. What sounds do squids make?
2. Were did I get my hat?
Made it
Found it
From my dad
Bought it
3. How many members are in squid squad?
4. Who are my friends?
5. What's my goal?
Driving the train
Running squid squad
Making everyone happy
Be like your father
6. What did I use to wear?
Anything green
Sleeveless hoodie
7. We're am I from?
8. How did I meet Luni?
Thre bread at him
He's my brother
In the ocean
By hanging in his pond
9. Were did I use to live?
In the train
On a boat
10. What is squid squad?
A game
A gang to hurt people
A group to help people
Cult to worship a squid
Good job!
Someone was paying attention!
If this was the interview you would of passed until then keep dreaming!
It's okay everyone makes mistakes just keep trying and you'll do it!