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Lunime Wiki

― Sparky

Sparky Pats is a character who first makes an appearance in Anime Gacha as a 5-star neutral unit. Since then, she has also appeared in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle as a recruitable 5-star dark unit, Gacha Resort as a 4-star dark unit and Gacha Life as a non-player character.
She can be described as a person loves to give head pats, even going further to proclaim herself as a patting goddess.

She was created by Sparkywor.[1][2]


Main article: Sparky Pats/Gacha Life

Sparky also appears as a non-player character and a preset in Gacha Life. As a non-player character, she can be found in Back Alley B, together with Jae. Her preferred gift category is Stickers.


  • "patspatspatspatspatspatspatspatspatspatspats..." - Sparky Pats in Anime Gacha


  • She is close friends with Daisy.
  • She has an Australian accent.
  • She can speak a little Japanese.
  • Her favorite anime is "Yu-Guy-Oh!".
  • She made a small cameo in Gacha World's challenge event called The Love Letter. She appears in a photo in the hallway where you accept the challenge.


