Lunime Wiki

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Lunime Wiki
For the unit see Shizu.



A while back, I was growing tired of Lunime (GV got canceled, and GW was no longer updated). So, I went on a quest to find games that ignited my passion once more. I hesitated to try out Final Fantasy XIV, but then I heard about some people attempting to bring down Lunime (those fools were raiding the general chat on the Lunime Discord).

I thought, "Why not hijack their operation? Instead of bringing ruin to Lunime, let's use it as a reminder to Lunime that we all just want good games from them (dress-up is not gaming)." So, I joined, and by mistakenly raising suspicions about another new member (who turned out to be a Lunime spy—my apologies, kekw), I became part of their inner circle.

I even shared how Lunime games work on a programming level (how else did they manage to create a "gacha saves generator P2W website"?). Then, my Lunime contacts (the OG folks from back then who knew me because I was already a semi-decent GW player) asked if I wanted to infiltrate those Lunime haters because their spy got wrecked.

I immediately replied, "my b, didn't realize oberon was you guys," and then, "dude, im already in their inner circle lmao."

After many twists and turns, feeding information to both sides and constantly balancing the scales, we took down their "gacha saves generator P2W website" (without sacrificing my health by staying up for 36 hours, ahem) and did much more (in a gray area; won't elaborate).

So, I said to the Lunime staff that were involved: "yall owe me one for this - but ur in luck - i want to enter my unit into your next game"

A bit of a tangent, but recently, a game I used to play on my phone died because the publisher was terrible. They kept pushing more and more microtransactions into a game that was already dying due to boring updates and bad balance that leaned heavily towards P2W. I was really sad about it because my character would soon disappear.

And that's how I got Mort to draw Shizu (basically, at this point, turned my OC into a character in GC).

Then the rest is history.

Disclaimer: The nondisclosure agreement doesn't apply to vague words that may not be traceable back to the original events.

PS: K4 I know you're still here lurking around somewhere

- Your evil content mod, AnderKu, aka Shizu Forever (yes, I'm that fool who made a unit in GC that dies to literally any trash mob)

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    2. Lunime Wiki
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    1. Gilulu Wall
    2. Mina Caliber
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