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Lunime Wiki

Senpaibuns is a non-playable character that appears in Gacha Life, located in Hometown B. She is a magical girl that has sleep powers. She is featured in the Gacha Life mini-game Narwhal Sky with her unnamed narwhal. Her preferred gift category are Adorable.

She was also scheduled to appear in Gacha League in a future update before the project was cancelled in favor of Gacha Club, in which she appears as both a preset and several playable battle units.


Senpaibuns is a catgirl with tawny and excessively long hair, which she ties up into pigtails with blue ribbons or bows and accompanies with two blue barettes, her tail is the same colour. She wears a white sleeping mask with a pink bow at the center with two stitches on each side. She has big, bright blue eyes. She wears a pink shirt with a white collar and blue ribbon tie, a white miniskirt and white stockings.

Male Buns


Male Buns is a genderswapped version of Senpaibuns who appears in Gacha Club as several playable battle units. He has a black sleeping mask on his head. He wears a black long shirt, which is under a red shirt with a cloud printed on it, jeans and black sneakers with white laces. His hair is the average male hair length, making it much shorter than Senpaibuns'.


Her relationship is stated to be "Sensei". Her personality is "Yandere". and her occupation is a NEET. In the Apple version of Gacha Life, her relationship is “Master", her personality is "Lonely" and her occupation is "Side character"


  • She's scared of swimming.
  • The fluff in her ears are clouds.
  • She is often mistaken for a fox girl or wolf girl, but she is a cat girl.
  • She has sleep powers.
  • She like collecting stuffed animals.
  • Her best friend is Lado.
  • According to Magical Luni, she is actually his magical sister. Whether this is biological or honorary is unclear.
  • In Gacha League, Senpaibuns was assigned an element called "Hero". Since the game was discontinued, this element remains unseen.


Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
LuniMerutoro10SenpaibunsTeaCakuCrydiaaMonet LilliPurorangeRaddShizu Forever
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Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book