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Lunime Wiki

Scarlet Flare is a Fire unit in Gacha World as a 5-Star Unit, appearing in the Neon batch.

Scarlet appears in the third area of Neon City during the faction war. She is the Lead Guardian of the Red Faction and makes the Gacha Summoner prove their worth through combat..

Her special attack is "Scarlet Eruption". Scarlet shield bashes and slashes a single enemy, doing Fire damage. Her leadership skill is "Fire HP Ultra Boost" which increases the maximum hitpoints of all fire units in the party by 50%.

She was created by Luni.


Scarlet Flare's sprite in Gacha World


"The flames of my blade will be your last warmth." - Scarlet's skill quote in Gacha World

"We live to battle. The color red gives us a burning passion for war!" - Scarlet in Gacha World story modeo
