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Sagittarius Ellyn is a character in Gacha World. She also appears in Anime Gacha (under the name "Bowmaster Ellyn") as part of the Neon Lunatics case as well as in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle , Gacha Resort, Cyanthia, and Cyan Royale. A younger version of her appears in the light novel "Cykopath: Birth". Her special attack is "Piercing Spirit" in which Ellyn launches arrows into the air and hits the back row of enemies, doing Wind damage. Her leadership skill is "Elemental Ultra Boost" which increases the maximum hit points and attack value of all units in the party by 20%.


Ellyn's bio in "Cykopath: Birth"

"Always in a good mood despite her situation, she loves the feeling of the wind on her body, and being able to communicate with it."


Ellyn's first appearance came from an animated series by Cyan Productions called, Cyanthia. Ellyn's weapon of choice was a bow and arrow and her Nation was the Green Nation. Her short backstory/description was "Ellyn is from the forests of green. she's quick and specializes in archery. She may look sweet but her arrows will pierce through the Color War!"[1]


"The Great Spirit of Wind is on my side!" - Ellyn's skill quote from Gacha World.


