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Hihii, I'm the Star of this school!
― Rockstar-chan


Rockstar-chan, also known as Star Rokling, is a non-player character in Gacha Life, located in School Classroom 2A. Her preset can be found on page 3 of Gacha Life presets. She is an orphan girl from Eve's orphanage who has successfully become a talented musician.

She was created by Joel.



Rockstar-chan is Hime-sama's girlfriend. She met her in the music room while trying to rehearse singing. Since then, her significant other has taught her how to sing, play bass, and be more confident. Together they formed a band called Love Stars. Rockstar-chan owes a lot to her girlfriend for changing her life.



Gacha Club Preset

Rockstar-chan Birthday Age Favorite Title
Gacha Club Rockstar-chan Preset
Club Pastel Title
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Our concert is going to start soon!
Gacha Club Glamm Icon Gacha Club Club Pastel Icon
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:Note: The "Copy Preset" feature is only available on desktop.


  • She, along with Phantom, loves all music no matter what style or genre.
  • Her favorite band is RE:OL, also liking Picc & Pawket's band, the Bandits.
    • RE:OL is a possibly a reference to the Japanese singer REOL.


Dialogues, Quiz and more!
  • Hihii, I'm the Star of this school!
  • Hey hey hey! I'm Star Rokling! You can call me Rockstar-chan!
  • What's up! I'm Rockstar-chan!
  • Hime wants to go on a date after class, but I want to rehearse!
  • Note to self, new song name 'If I was your Star, Then Let me Guide you'! I can't wait to tell Hime about it!
  • I wanna stay at school and work on our new song, 'School State of Mind'!
  • Music is my life! I can't thank Hime enough for teaching me the bass!
  • I can't wait to take the stage again next concert!
  • I'm actually really shy ahaha, the only reason I can be confident is because Hime taught me everything I know.
  • My mom and dad weren't there when I was growing up, but music was like my parent for me! I've learned so much from music!
  • The orphanage I grew up in before getting adopted was called Eve's!
  • I discovered music from one of the other kids at the orphanage! He got adopted before me so he gave me his MP3 Player full of music, said it helped him feel less lonely.
  • My favorite band is RE:OL! There's also this band in the city called 'Bandits' in the city and they seem cool!
  • I've wanted to be a Rockstar since I was a kid in my orphanage! Music helped me so I wanna make music and help other kids out there!
  • My favorite genre of music? I don't have anything like that! I love all music because no matter what form it's there to help someone out!
  • Our band's called 'Love Stars'! Check us out! We do concerts in the city sometimes!
  • I really do owe Hime a lot, I was alone growing up without parents, but with her and music I feel like I can do anything!
  • No way! Thanks dude!
  • This is amazing!
  • Oh man, I've had my eyes on this for so long!
  • Aww dude, you're awesome!
  • Now this is the rocker life! Thanks for the gift!
  • Sweet! I appreciate it!
  • Eh? Thanks!
  • You wanna take a quiz about me? Ahah, sure! This reminds me of those rockstar interviews I see on UTube!

1. What did I used to be like before I was a Rockstar?

  • Shy
  • Hyperactive
  • Chill
  • Confident

2. Did I have any parents growing up?

  • Yes
  • My orphanage caretaker was like my parent
  • I had none
  • Music was my parent

3. What was the name of the orphanage I grew up in?

  • Delta
  • Eve's
  • Rokling
  • State

4. How did I discover music?

  • I saw street performers outside my house
  • I was in a musical
  • An older kid at my orphanage gave his mp3 player to me
  • My parents were rockstars

5. What's my favorite band?

  • RE:OL
  • The LUNItics
  • Love Stars
  • Bandits

6. How long have I wanted to be a rockstar?

  • Since Middle School
  • Since I was an orphan
  • Since I was born
  • Never

7. Who taught me how to play bass?

  • Rambo
  • Joel
  • Hime
  • Luni

8. What is my favorite genre of music?

  • None! I love all music!
  • I hate music
  • Rock
  • Pop

9. What's my band's name?

  • Love Star
  • Bandits
  • Star Sisters
  • Lunitics

10. Who do I owe the most in life?

  • Joel
  • Music
  • Luni
  • Hime
  • Heh I Knew you'd get that right!
  • Bingo bro!
  • Hey not bad dude!
  • Woah! You blew me away dude! Only Hime has ever gotten all those questions right! I gotta get you VIP tickets to our next concert as my buddy!
  • Hey, hey no sweat bro! We all get stuff wrong from time to time!

Gacha Life Logo
Gameplay Elements CharactersLocationsGiftsMini GamesGemsGachaCredits
Hometown LuniSenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuni
School Courtyard NgocMoeKatMidoriProf. GachaSelenaLily
Floor 1 1chiFuuKumaNurse LuckChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroy
Floor 2 CarmaSakuraTakeshiFelicityLucaHime-samaRockstar-chanRadd
Floor 3 SweetgumBijuu MikeSenpai Artz
Roof FlashyKlauNikki NiiJoelSpongey
Park AlexaEzraHannahKaiPixie
City Gacha City FierinBexPiccPawketSatsunaCalebEmma
West of City LeafuCharlotteSerenity
Back Alley DaisyRinSparkyJae
Beach MizumiMumbleChronoBrodyCoralOttoSummer
Station Train Station SquidiInxanity
Train Dimension Rambo Nyan KittyXenos
Snowlands YukinaKinenFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterCrystal
Desert DamianAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarik
Bamboo Village WeiFengQingLilySpringJadePo
Spookyville AlisaEnzoThornAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaMorganaShadowNemuPhantomC.C.
Secret CharacteryMagical LuniLusaSuperBrian25RamunadeM u um o
Hime-sama Radd