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Rambo Nyan Kitty, shortly known as Rambo, is a non-player character in Gacha Life where she is located in Train Dimension B. She is a Nya-gical kitty girl who is also a self-proclaimed bad-joke aficionado.
She is the social media persona of the creator and artist RamboNyanKitty.[1][2][3][4]
Rambo also appeared as a playable fire unit and a representative of Club Neko in Gacha Club. Her active skill was ATK+ Strike and her passive skill was Team ATK+.
Her presence in the game was very short-lived. Rambo's battle unit was quickly replaced by a new character called Luluu, together with Guupi taking over Rambo's place in Club Neko. The reasoning behind this hasn't been stated by the developers, although the creator of Rambo has briefly mentioned that she wanted to remove the character from all of the Lunime games.[5]
Her kitty bells are alive: They are named Purrcy (the grumpy one) and Pawlly (the 'nyappy' one).
The orange on her head is named Orenjii.
She claims she’s a pawtato.
Her favorite anime is Sailor Lune.
Rambo, as seen on
Dialogues, Quiz and more!
Hewwo! I am Rambo Nyan Kitty! No - not THAT Rambo, look at me, NYAN~
Rambo wishes you all a very spooky NYAHlloween! UUUUUUNYAA!
Luni tunes brought me here! Yes, you heard that right! Nyahahaha ~
If you've got cat-titude, you've come to the right place!
Pwease pawtect me? Q ^ Q
I'm not being lazy, I'm simply pro-cat-stinating at its finest!
Howdy stranger! Feline good today?
My favourite anime is Sailor Lune! When I grow up, I want to be Sailor Rambo!
I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. I'm actually a pawtato. Don't tell anyone, okay? :3
I'm a bad joke aficionado! If I were to be a Whiz Knee princess, I'd be NyaPUNzel! I can rambo on for hours and hours!
What do you call a male hippopotamus? A hippopotamr! Get it! Haha...*burps* Told ya I love bad jokes!
Did nya know that I'm a bubble tea connoisseur? Oh well, meow you do!
I love being a neko, as well as being pawlitically correct!
My favourite fruit is an orange, obviously. After all, I have one on my head! I named him Orenjii. Isn't he cute?
Did you know that my kitty bells are enchanted and alive? Their names are Purrcy and Pawlly! Purrcy's the grumpy one and Pawlly's the nyappy one!
I'm a nya-gical kitty girl! I have a weapon named Fleas Witherspoon. I'm kitting about the last purrt!
Don't tell this to anyone, but I'm just a lonely kitten looking for a paw to hold. Will you be my nyah-mily? <3
I'll nyaove you furever and ever if you get me a pwesent :3
That’s a purrrrty gift you have there!
Nyaaa! What is that?!
T-t-t-t-this is for me? There is the paw-sibility that I like you just a little bit...excuse me, what? Q A Q I said nothing, nevermind...
What's this? A pawtato? O W O
This is a purrrrfect prrrresent!
Give me your heart meow! Your gift brings mewsic to my ears!
Pawdon me, but you must be the sweetest kitten of all time!
Paw-er to you for being the coolest NYA ever >3< !
Nyaa! I hope you get a purrrrfect score!
1. What is my favourite animal? Hint: Nya
2. What's my birthday? Where's my gift? >:3
April 20
April 18
June 6
September 20
3. Where will there be the inpawguration of Rambo for Paw-sident?
United States of Apurrica
4. What is my favorite anime?
Sailor Lune
Gacha Ball Z
Gacha Academia
Two Piece
5. What am I?
6. What is my favorite drink?
Bubble Tea
Neko Tea
7. What is the name of the orange on my head?
8. What are the name of my kitty bells?
Purrcy and Pawlly
Purrcy and Precious
Pawlly and Paula
Cosmo and Wanda
9. What is my weapon's name?
Fleass Witherspoon
Kristen Bells
Nyaalor Swift
10. What do I want you to hold?
My paw
My tail
My foot
My orange
You nyaow me so well! >3< You're so cool, you must be the Notorious C.A.T!!!
Radi-claw!!! You are my favourite purrson!
Orange you glad you're absolutely pawsitively the best?
Wow, you'll be making hiss-tory for being the smartest pawtato of all time!
↑RamboNyanKitty on DeviantArt - "I asked to be unaffiliated with Gacha Life and all Lunidev games because honestly the company brought me nothing but misery, art theft, and along with that I was undercompensated."