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Put The Record On, or PTRO, was a 2D Side-Scroller flash game and the first game created by Luni, at 2011. It has shut down at 2012, due to it being "dead" and Luni made the game file way too big back at that time.

DJ Lyte makes his first debut in this game, being the main character, along with you. DJ X has also appeared there, as the main antagonist. Popstar Asif also appeared named DJ Asif (not to be confused with him in Gacha Club, this is PTRO). He had an early version of himself. DJ Vinyl and Jet Ace were there too, as regular NPCs. Some other characters/NPCs have appeared while being created by different people.

Unfortunately, the website has completely shut down, which means that it can no longer be accessed in its original form. However, snapshots of it can be found here.

The Player[]


Image taken from a video made by AQichigo09876.

You are the DJ, who is helping DJ Lucas (Lyte) to save the music from corruption, or from DJ X. You're able to fight some robots that are made by him.

Like at all of the Lunime dress up games, you can change your skin, gender, hair, weapon, clothes, and shades, and all that stuff's colors can be changed, except for the weapon and the clothing. Unlike the Gacha games, there are only 10 colors to choose from.


Although there isn't a lot of info on locations there is information about some locations names. The following is a list of locations that was in game.

  • Beat! City
  • Epic Dimension 1
  • The Club/Tutorial
  • Sky Edge
  • Sky Edge- Edge Armory
  • Beat! City Arcade
  • Sky City
Names & Screenshots Description

Vinyl City
The Vinyl city is the location you start at in PTRO.

It also appears in Gacha World as a chapter, and in Gacha Studio, Gachaverse, Gacha Life, and Gacha Club as a Studio background.

In-stage Locations:PTRO Club
The PTRO club is the first place in the Vinyl City. It is seen that there are people who are dancing on the dance floor.

Type: City/Club
Level: 1-4
Inhabitants: DJ Lucas

Sky Edge

Sky Edge (Night)

The Sky Edge is second location in PTRO.

In-stage Locations: Edge Armory
The Edge Armory store is a place for all weapons needed. It is owned by Soul.

Level: 5-14
Location: Sky City
Inhabitants: Soul

Level 15
The fifteenth level in PTRO is the final level in the game. After defeating all 99 enemies in it, the game will be cleared.

Level: 15
Location: Probably Vinyl City


Here is the list of the enemies from PTRO.

Name Infos
Boombox-Robo The Boombox Robo is an enemy in PTRO. He appears in the first level.

Level: 1
Health: 100
About: Don't alarm this robo or else he'll start charging you!

Techfist-Robo Level: 2

Health: 200
About: Ready to rumble with this robo? Good luck because the Techfist-Robo is a fast one!

Stereo-Robo Level: 3

Health: 300
About: Get pumped! The Stereo-Robo packs some major bass when it starts slashing!

DJ X's Tank (BOSS)
DJ X's tank is the first boss in PTRO. It is owned and used by DJ X.

Level: 5
Health: 3,000
About: DJ X hopped into his tank! Watch out, its missles will do heavy damage!


Image & Name Infos
DJ Lucas
"That X guy is really tough. Here take my Battle Record. I know you're a tough DJ.. we need to stop that guy! I'll catch up to you soon." — Lucas's first line in PTRO

DJ Lucas is an NPC and the deuteragonist in PTRO. He also appeared in the Lunime games named as DJ Lyte. In the Gacha Studio battles, he is named just like how he is in PTRO. In the Lunime games, his skin got brighter, his shades look brighter, and his hair is less messy. His mixgear also looked different.

Aliases: DJ Lyte (All Lunime games he appears in)
Relatives: DJ Vinyl (older brother)
Affiliation: Club Vinyl
Occupation: DJ, PTRO Club owner
Status: Alive
Date of birth: Febuary 18th
Record: Lightning
Age: 23
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Owner of the PTRO Club.

DJ X is the main antagonist in PTRO. As he also appears in Anime Gacha, AKA the first Lunime game (from the second era), as a 5-Star Fire unit in the Vinyl Fantasy case. Same as DJ Lucas, except he is a water unit instead. In PTRO, his record is unknown. But in Gacha World, it is seen that it is called the Mixgear of Explosions. He is actually now 29 years old.

Marital status: Single
Date of birth: March 17th
Record: Unknown
Age: XX
Location: X City
Info: DJ X wants to corrupt all music in the world
Species: Human/Cyborg

DJ Az is an NPC in PTRO. Currently, it's unknown which area she appeared at. Like DJ Ringoz, she has "DJ" in her name, but she doesn't have a record.

Occupation: Vinyl city hair shop owner
Status: Alive
Record: None
Age: 18
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Owner of the Vinyl City hair shop

DJ Ringoz
Like DJ Az, his name has "DJ" in it, but he doesn't have a record.

Record: None
Age: 20
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Speak with Ringoz to rent an apartment room!

DJ Panda
So far, this was his only debut. This is his Twitter account. He and Koda are both a part of Club M3CH4N1C, and Koda is following him on Twitter.

Aliases: Panda, Jeremy
Occupation: Shop keeper of Club M3CH4N1C.
Record: None
Age: 21
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Shop keeper of Club M3CH4N1C.

DJ Koda
He is created by a person that has the name Koda in the game's website, and he is currently known as SlowKoda. He is a Club owner just like DJ Lucas. His mission is the main way to get the Mechanic Record.

Aliases: Koda, Koda the Mechanist
Affiliation: Club M3CH4N1C
Occupation: Mechanist
Record: Mechanic
Age: 23
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Owner of Club M3CH4N1C. Speak with him to accept the Mechanic mission.

DJ Rodri
He reappears in CyanP games.

Occupation: Speedrunner?
Record: Speed
Age: 16
Location: Unknown
Info: Think you can out run DJ Rodri?

DJ Clonuk
You are able to chat with him at Level 20.

He was created by a real person who had the username, Clonuk1.
Currently IRL, he or his creator might be 37 years old.

Record: Dual Blades
Age: 26
Location: Unknown
Info: Master of Dual Blades.

DJ Sweetzy
Occupation: Dual Guns master

Record: Dual Guns
Age: 24
Location: Unknown
Info: Master of Dual Guns.

DJ Zero
His record is unknown, but it's seen as a golden record. It could be possible that is has a strong power.

Return to me when you're stronger.
They call me DJ Zero. You'll know why in time.
The Legendary gold record. I don't think you're up for the challenge.

DJ Numbers
DJ Numbers is an NPC in PTRO. He is created by 2046808. He could look similar to DJ Lucas a little, since they both have black hair and blue shades. He LOVES potatoes. Just like his creator.

Aliases: Numbers, 2046808, Brian
Relatives: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Record: Unknown
Age: 17
Location: Unknown
Info: Cool hair!

DJ Asif
"Hey You! Wanna get this hot Fire Record?? Come by later and I'll have a mission for ya!" — DJ Asif's original text

DJ Asif is an NPC in PTRO. He's also a character who made his Gacha debut in Anime Gacha as a 5-Star in the Idol Popstar case. He's the third character to appear in the Lunime games. The first being Lucas, and the second being X.

Aliases: Asif, Popstar Asif, Blazif
Occupation: DJ
Status: Alive
Date of birth: July 3rd
Record: Fire
Age: 21
Location: Unknown
Info: Keeper of the FIre Record!

DJ Veneeria
Her creator has a twitter account with the same name. The "V/O" in her age could possibly mean "very old". Along with Mr. Panda and Shuffle, she's an NPC that doesn't have DJ in her name in-game.

Record: Dimensional
Age: V/O
Location: Unknown
Info: ?

DJ Avalanche
"Avalanche" means a mass of ice or snow falling rapidly down a mountainside.

Record: Ice
Age: 21
Location: Unknown
Info: Keeper of the Ice record.

DJ Zeo
He could be one of the characters who are not humans, as shown from his skin.

Record: Epic Ice
Age: 27
Location: Unknown
Info: Keeper of the Epic Ice record.

AcePTROAce This is the channel of his creator.

Aliases: AcePTRO (YouTube)
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye color: Unseen
Debut: PTRO

Swift is an NPC in PTRO.

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Eye color: Blue
Debut: PTRO

ClassyClassy He is one of the seven new NPCs added in PTRO at December 31st, 2011.

Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye color: White

She is created by Zeshiyan.

The art on the right is made by Zeshiee's creator, and the left one is the PTRO version.

Occupation: DJ?
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Eye color: Unknown
Debut: PTRO
Record: UnknownO

Aliases: DJ Soul (in the filename of his art)

The left one is the PTRO art, and the right one is made by his creator.

Left Art: If you look really close into his shades, you'll see his eye.

They are located at Sky Edge - Edge Armory.

He is created by Flareburm

The Kanji 火 on his shirt means "fire".

He's also a preset in Gacha Club, in Club Glitch.

He have the Epic Fire Record and is located at Epic Dimension I

Shuffle is an NPC in PTRO, and he appears after you defeat DJ X. He is created by a person called Shuffle Warrior, or DJ Shuffle Warrior.

Aliases: Shuffle Warrior
Occupation: Vinyl Style owner
Location: Vinyl City
Info: Vinyl Style owner

Not to be confused with DJ Veneeria or her creator with the same first name.

She might be another version of Veneeria.

Occupation: DJ (maybe)
Status: Alive
Age: Unknown (might be 16-20 years old)
Location: Vinyl City
Species: Human/Cyborg (probably)
Gender: Female
Eye color: Unseen
Debut: PTRO

DJ Vinyl
DJ Vinyl is an NPC in PTRO. He has appeared in many Lunime games, as a dark character being mentioned in Gacha World and appearing in Gacha League and Gacha Memories. His appearance and personality completely changes in Gacha Club.

Aliases: Vinyl, Shadow Vinyl
Relatives: DJ Lucas (younger brother)
Affiliation: Club Vinyl
Occupation: DJ and Owner of Club Vinyl
Status: Alive
Date of birth: Febuary 4th
Age: 26 (What Gacha Club says)
Location: Vinyl City (?)

DJ Lupe
DJ Lupe is an NPC in PTRO. He is also a preset that has appeared in Gacha Club.

Aliases: Lupe
Affiliation: Club Vinyl
Occupation: DJ
Status: Aliv
Record: Epic Beat Record
Appears in: PTRO, Gacha Club

Jet Ace
Jet Ace is an NPC in PTRO. He also appears in the game that has the same name. He is created by Xyo

Aliases: Jet
Occupation: Speed Runner
Date of birth: December 23th
Age: 19 (Gacha Club)
Appears in: PTRO, Mix-Gear, Jet Ace, Gacha Resort, Gacha Club
Debut: PTRO

DJ Deivid
He has reappeared in the Cyan Productions games Color Burst, as the leader of the Green Faction, and Fully Loaded Legacy.

Aliases: Green Deivid, Deivid
Occupation: Green Faction Leader (?)
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye color: Green
Debut: PTRO

Battle Records[]

Here are the Battle Records that are used in PTRO.

Lightning RecordLightningRecordLook. Normal Record

Owner/User: DJ Lucas
Level: Level 2

The lightning record is the first battle record to get in PTRO. It's given to the player by DJ Lucas.

  • Lightning Record: Pump the bass with thunder and send your enemies with a shock.
  • Strike (20 MP): Dash forward and slash your enemies with great force.
  • Down Strike (25 MP): Strike the ground with immense force to electrifiy the field.
  • Volt Speed (40 MP): Shock up your system and run faster than ever!
Mechanic RecordMechRecord Normal Record

Owner/User: DJ Koda
Level: 5+ (maybe)

The Mechanic Record is obtained when you finish DJ Koda's mission.

  • Mechanic Record
  • Pulse Cannon: Shoot a high energy beam with a cannon!
  • Sentry Bot: Summon a Sentry Bot to help you fight.
  • Repair: Found a broken object? Repair it!
Sky RecordSkyRecordThis is the one! Normal Record

Level: 10+ (maybe)

The Sky Record is a record in PTRO.

  • Wind Dash (XX MP): Slash a gust of wind at your enemy
  • Sky Gust (XX MP): Attack your enemies with a gust of wind
  • Sky Wings (XX MP): Fly in the sky and glide!
Beat RecordBeatRecord Normal Record

Not much is known about it yet.

  • Beat! Barrage (10 MP): Beat! Punch your enemy twice!
  • Beat! Kick (10 MP): Jump in the air and do a backwards Beat! Kick!
  • Beat! Frenzy (15 MP): Pound your enemy with a Frenzy Beat!
Dimensional RecordDimensionalRecordOn Veneeria's wrist Normal Record

Owner/User: Veneeria
Level: 15?

This record is first seen on Level 15, probably.

  • To be added.
Fire RecordFireRec Normal Record

Owner/User: DJ Asif

This record can be earned if the player does DJ Asif's mission.

The fire record picture was from Xkour

  • To be added.
Epic Lightning RecordEpicLightningRecord Epic Record

DJ Dracorath
& Protagonist

The Epic Lightning Record is taken on Level 1, maybe.

  • Voltage Burst (XX MP): Dash forward and slash your enemies with great force.
  • Lightning Force (xx MP): Summon a lightning to damage enemies over a period of time
  • Thunder Barrage (xx MP): Charge toward your foe with intense lightning!
Epic Mechanic RecordEpicMechanicRecord Epic Record

Not much is known about it yet.

  • Mecha Spawn (xx MP): Enter the Epic Mech and defeat your foes!
  • Mech Smash (xx MP): Spikes stab your enemies when you smash the ground!
  • Rocket X-plosion (xx MP): Launch rockets out of the mech to cause serious damage!


Ptro Art Contest
  • Art Contest
  • Performers: 2046808
  • Date: 20/12/2011
  • Location: PTRO Website

This was the contest for the PTRO art that has to involve DJ Lucas and DJ X. The text bellow was Originally written by 2046808.


  • Up to 3 entries per person.
  • Can be Drawn/colored on paper or computer made.
  • Must have DJ Lucas and/or DJ X in it.
  • Final picture should not be small
  • End Date:January 20, 2012~


  • Winners will have their artwork in PTRO along with their names.(If picture is Really good I might turn it into a real poster, with winner's permission) Enter the PTRO Art Contest!


Here are some soundtracks/songs that are made for PTRO. They are all composed by DJVinyl.

Name Song
Main Theme File:PTROMainTheme.mp3
Club Theme



A screenshot I got. Thanks to our fellow friend.

The PTRO website was originally a web that has most to see about PTRO. All of the PTRO team members (not sure) have made their own accounts, along with many different people, that are fans of the game and/or people who got their NPC in the game. Any user in the web can post and comment on posts. There are navigation links that make you know about the story, NPCs, enemies, and more. There was even a link where it has a wiki, but it was its own. Same as the real web, it can no longer be found, but by using Wayback Machine, you could see everything in the web, but um... the page will be seen to be-- broken.*/

Registering would be impossible, since the web has shut down and this link is from Wayback Machine.


Images from the website

Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
LuniMerutoro10SenpaibunsTeaCakuCrydiaaMonet LilliPurorangeRaddShizu Forever
Games New WonderEnd 0 WE0IconGacha Life 2 Gacha Life 2 AppGacha Club GciconRate My OC RmociconGacha Life GlflogoGacha League GllogoGacha Memories GmlogoMeme Gacha MglogoPocket Chibi PclogoGacha Resort GrlogoAnime Fidget Spinner Battle AfslogoGacha Studio GslogoNeko Gacha NekoGacha World Gacha-world iconAnime Arcade AnimeArcadeIconAnime Gacha AnimeGachaIcon
Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book