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If you stare at the abyss… The abyss stares back!
― Pandora's quote from the website.


Pandora is an unused 6-Star dark unit in Gacha League and is also believed to be the daughter of Sol. She first appears in the end of Gacha Memories where she promises to free Sol from his coffin.

Her special attack is "Pandora's Box", while her leader skill is "Chaos Unleashed”, which both give unknown stats due to the cancellation of the game.

She also appears in Gacha Club as a preset in Club Corruption.


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Pandora's Story from Gacha League (Story found on the Lunime Discord)

Pandora is Sol and Aqua's beloved daughter, a sweet girl who loves both her parents and best friend a lot.

From a early age, she always seemed attracted to things that would make others terrified. Tales of Eldritch beings, forbidden knowledge, madness that came with power. It concerned her parents at first, but soon it was discovered she was born with a unique gift, the ability to wield Chaos without suffering any ill effect from it. Things that would make others go mad and tear their hair out in lunacy was merely yet another interesting sight for Pandora, and thus, she began to practice Chaos Magic in order to better wield her power.

The Box in her possession was made by her father as a gift upon her increasing success at controlling forbidden powers without losing her mind or personality to it. With it, her ability to control Chaos is much more refined and useful.

The only side effect from her powers, is that when using them, it makes others see her as evil and terrifying, unless they also have the power to world chaos. Even Kitsy, who trusts Pandora with all her soul, once remarked how evil looking she gets and acts when making use of her unique abilities.

It’s only fitting, that someone who dwells in forbidden knowledge and forbidden magic, would excel in unsealing.

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Misc Unitsgachaleague.comIntroGacha SummonerGacha KingViiQueen Ellie

ClaireTiffReedJaceKuroshiManamiRikuVulcanusIrukaWanderer DaizLedi_SosulkiBuryaAlenkyOdetteOdileNahar ArkwingKiriko UematsuEvanee LeeDeckard KainMidnight Le DevarchValma Von GiovandGravity NamikazeMe'l Veil CatZagato De KurugiMagician Reixia

Super Rare
CykoEllynMagyYenaKrosWalter ForemanHartzellJack WallanceDr. FalkensteinFantome VoltaireHeartbroken MagoaPainter FenSweet AureliaBright MerakiGamer KolJunieSerenityRyuuga SaikoParadoxaVon WeizerEmi NulNurse LilyTelaKimi SinsSybilDio EzumiIsaac ZinE.RAZERLee JinzoRastafar AlekziClemsonShinanoGraf SpeeAjaxSovetskiy Soyuz

Ultra Rare
Charlotte MeiRemyEmberSakuraVinylMelancholic NeroHazardous TrojanHarridan RavenTreasonous HoshiArchfiend XavierCult Starter ElliosLuxury Foodie Nea & AllenBloody Hunter RainhardtTrainee Elf FreyaFlirty Maid EileenChao and SerenusVisLanaCephisNoxSolarisZephyrAzaleaCygnusLuciferMiwako HanamiDelilahMoesuraMirazArvegil(Unnamed Units illustrated by Jhelin)(Unnamed Units illustrated by 1chi)MoeKinen

Mega Rare
Restless AriaToxic CarolinaBlazing CarrieHushed HeatherMayhem NyalaEllusAuriaHeRRaPanzelNeveRotcoHanoneFlavaLicacoEnamTsunereiAlceWyattBlancheNoireLunaByakuyaRiaSolarisInuiAquaRaidSolKitsyPandoraMuu

Legendary Rare
SenpaibunsRaddDoggy Raddy
Kitsy Muu (Gachaverse)