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Lunime Wiki

Nova Blade is a Light Unit who appears in Gacha World and is the eighth boss of the game. He is located in the fifth area of Neon City. He also appears in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle and in Gacha Resort, starring in Chapter 19 where he has been hired to kill Reed (presumably becoming an assassin after events in Gacha World). He appears as a preset in Gacha Club as a member of Club Danger.

In Gacha World, he is the leader of the Yellow Faction. He is in deep denial that he has been corrupted and believes he is being the hero of the story before being cured by the Gacha Summoner.

His special attack is "Gattling Slash" in which Nova Blade first slashes then fires at column of enemies, doing Light damage.  His leadership skill is "Light ATK Ultra Boost" which increases the attack value of all Light units in the party by 40%.


Noval Blade's sprite in Gacha world


  • "Hope you don't mind getting slice n' dead!" (skill quote in Gacha World)
  • "Don't lose yourself Ellie! Remember us!" (skill quote in Gacha World for the Final Chapter's boss battle.)
  • "I was hired to kill you, and I never fail my job!" (skill quote in Gacha Resort)
  • "Nothing like a nice vacation after an assassination." (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on head)
  • "I feel embarrassed without my mask.." (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on nose)
  • "Quick, find my mask!" (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on chest)
  • "Knock it off or I'll slice you up!" (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on crotch)
  • "So, who do you want me to kill?" (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped anywhere else)
  • "This battle's over, time to collect my reward." (Winning)
  • "Impossible, there's no way I've been defeated." (Losing)
  • "Death awaits anyone we pass by." (Gem Beach)
  • "Found you. Any last words?" - Nova Blade in Gacha Club

