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Lunime Wiki

Nekohime is a Light Unit who appears in Gacha World in the second area of Elementia. She also appears in Gacha Resort, in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, in Anime Gacha as part of the Medieval Kingdom case, and also stars in the game "Neko Hime Leap!" in Anime Arcade.


Taking the appearance of a catgirl, Nekohime has short black hair and yellow eyes, complete with a pink bow on her fringe.

For attire, she wears a bright yellow dress, with matching shoes over her white stockings and a gray color-colored ribbon around her waist. For accessories, she has a yellow bead necklace, white cat-paw gloves, and a yellow crown on her head.


Nekohime does not have any variants in Anime Gacha

Storyline & Lore

Gacha World

In Gacha World, she mistakes Ellie and the Gacha Summoner for her master. Other characters in Elementia have referred to her as a princess.

Abilities & Skills

Name Type Description
Neko Swipe Special Attack Nekohime attacks a single enemy by slashing twice with her claws, doing Light damage.
Light HP Boost Leadership Increases the max hit points of all light units in the party by 25%.


As a Unit

Currently N/A


"Stay away from master! Nyan! Nyan!" - Nekohime's skill quote in Gacha World

"Go away! Nyan! Nyan! Nyan!" - Neko Hime in Anime Gacha

"Pet me and feel better Ellie! Nya~!" - Nekohime's Skill Quote in the Final Chapter's boss battle.

"Master~! What happened to Ellie? Why isn't Ellie moving? C'mon Ellie, let's play nya~!" - Nekohime after the Gacha Summoner has defeated RNG Goddess Ellie.



Neko Gacha Nekomuu

