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Lunime Wiki

Muu is a hidden character in Gacha Life located in the Red Striped Room. She was added on December 17, 2018 in the update. She was scheduled to appear in Gacha League in a later update before the project was cancelled. Instead she appears as both a preset and a playable battle unit in Gacha Club.

She was created by Nekomuu. [1] [2]

Normal Muu


Muu preset from Gacha Life

Youkai Muu

If the player finds the Red Striped Room, they find a strange version of Muu who speaks in fractured sentences and appears noticeably different than her preset design. This version of Muu is labeled "m u u" and talks about how she was shot in the eye with an arrow (and has a scar on her visible eye) and how she currently lives in a graveyard. She says she likes to see flying souls and people refer to her as a 'Youkai', which is a type of Japanese ghostly being.

Her preferred gift category is Desserts.


Hidden Character m u u in Gacha Life.

Gacha Club Base Stats

  • Club: Club Bamboo
  • Hit Points: 172
  • Attack Power: 63
  • Defense Power: 4%
  • Damage Type: Fire
  • Active Skill: MP Booster (5 MP) - Does no damage, but gain 20 MP and +1 MP gain
  • Passive Skill: Team Max MP - +5 Team max MP, +1 MP gain


"I want to learn karate!" - Muu in Gacha Club


  • Her creator has a YouTube channel named “Nekomuu”.
  • Normal Muu is a preset and does not appear in Gacha Life. Only her Youkai form appears as an NPC in game.
  • Crystal is rumored to be the one who shot her eye.


