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Moka's father is a character in WonderEnd 0. He is one of the scientists at Crossveil and, judging by his name, a caretaker of Moka.


Moka's father is a male character who has beaded blue hair with side bangs. Due to his face staying unrevealed in-game, his facial features are unknown.

Moka's father is found wearing a white dress shirt under a laboratory coat, grey formal striped trousers, a dark belt and brown shoes. He also has a beaded blue necktie with a golden clip attached to it and two pens in his coat's pocket; one with a green cap and the other with a blue one.

Games WonderEnd 0WonderEndWonderNet
Characters 0102030405AlanCaramelCloverCowraDiaHatterHayatoHeartJuliLadoLemoLitoLukamiLuniMegunaMerupoMilyMokaMoka's fatherNanoNeiNeonNULLNyaluluPhantomQueenRabiRamunadeReinSelenaShiroSpadeTanakaYulinYumeYuni