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Gacha Club Club Lore Icon

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Moka is a character in WonderEnd 0 who first appears as a playable battle unit in Gacha Club. She is the daughter of a well-known scientist who fell into a spiral of shock and jealousy due to prescribed drugs.

She was created and illustrated by Merutoro10.


Moka reference

Moka is a girl with short dark purple hair which is styled to have bangs and cheek-length sidelocks. There are two tiny twin tails which are tied with big white ribbon hair ties. Her eyes are colored differently; one of them is green, the other one is purple. Since she is of bunny species, Moka also has bunny ears and tail of the same color as her hair.

Moka is usually seen wearing a school uniform which is similar to a sailor fuku. Her attire consists of a zipped-up short-sleeve light purple jacket with a turtleneck and white cuffs, a pleated skirt of the same color and a pink sailor-style collar with a white stripe on it. Lastly, her outfit is finished off with knee-high dark socks with a red stripe on the ends, and brown loafers. She has a hair pin of a pill, whose sides are of the same color as her eyes, in her hair.

When under NULL's control, Moka's eyes and mouth turn neon purple, signifying the virus' existence in her body.


Gacha Club

Main article: Moka/Gacha Club

Moka first debuts in Gacha Club, where she is found as a playable battle unit. Her active skill is a Heal Strike and her passive skill is Team DEF+. She does Dark damage to her opponents. She isn't assigned to any of the clubs in-game nor has any notable lore.

This variation of Moka doesn't have any notable design changes.

