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Mily is a playable battle Dark Unit character in Gacha Club, one of the first the player receives, and appears briefly in the main story. She is Usalina's older sister and formerly from her world Usakage, until she ran away from her strict family to have time to play more games. Mily is a dark unit obtainable through Rate-Up #5 and Dark Gacha.


Mily has excessively long, grey hair, which fades into a magenta at the tips of her hair, which she ties up into pigtails using magenta ribbons. Mily has pale skin, and has a pink heart on her right cheek.

The colour of her eyes has a crimson-brown color.

Mily wears a maid-like outfit: A black collared t-shirt and a navy-blue skirt accompanied by a half-apron with pink hearts on each side of it. She has two different socks on her feet: a black sock on her left leg and a black and white sock on her right, both of them having pink garters. She also wears small pink shoes on her feet. She has a black umbrella with her.


  • Mily plays a game a lot called Usagi Strike, an FPS game. This game is also available in the Gacha Club minigames and you can even play as her against Lado.
  • Mily has a bunny version of herself, available as a pet in Gacha Club. It is identical to the human version of Mily.


"Hey get your hands off me! What am I doing here?! I was just playing my favourite FPS game, Usagi Strike!" - Mily's first quote in the Story mode. 'New Allies - Club Water' (1-2-1)

"It's okay, I left them a note... it's just temporary, I was going to return one day..." - Mily's plan to eventually return to Usakage. 'Dark Desires - Mily of Dark' (2-6-1)

"What did you do to our parents you ugly succubus!" - One of the only insults said by the main cast. 'Lith's Illusion' (3-7-1)

"I wonder if our parents are safe..." - Mily's first quote returning to Usakage. 'Welcome to Usakage' (3-1-1)

"My battery just died... my life is over." - Mily after not being able to game. 'Unknown Savior' (5-1-1)

"I wish we had more time..." - Mily's last quote in story mode. 'Vicious Vinyl' (5-7-4)


& Stats
Dark Gacha Club Dark Element 181 HP 62 ATK 6% DEF
Skill &
Active Skill: ATK+ All Strike [20 MP] - Attack all enemies with (1x/1.2x/1.4x/1.7x/2x) dmg, increase team ATK+ (1%/2%/3%/4%/5%) Passive Skill: Team Max HP+ - Team Max HP+ (3%/6%/9%/12%/15%)

Features HomeStudioUnitsGachaBattleMini GamesOptionsSecretsSoundtracksSoundsTutorialUnused ContentCurrencies
Currencies GoldGemsTicketsBitsEnhancement StarsSkill MoonsAwakening Records
Misc PresetsClubsTitles
Clubs Gacha (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) • Water (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Wind (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Fire (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Light (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dark (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Corruption (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)All-Stars (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bamboo (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bubble TeaCandyCosplayCyan (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Danger (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dragon (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)DreamsDuckFluffyGalaxy (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Gamer (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)GlitchKawaiiKnightLegend (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Lore (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)MagicNekoNeonPastelPhantomPotatoRainbowRhythmRoseSchmellyUWUVinylClub WhaleXVIPGachatubers
Menus Main StoryElemental TowersTraining ModeShadows of Corruption
Gameplay Battle StrategiesPetsStatsElements
Protags BellaLadoLemoYuniReinMilyUsalinaDJ AtomNeonMerupoLithPhantomVinyl
Chapters Chapter 1-1Chapter 1-2Chapter 1-3Chapter 1-4Chapter 1-5Chapter 1-6Chapter 1-7Chapter 2-1Chapter 2-2Chapter 2-3Chapter 2-4Chapter 2-5Chapter 2-6Chapter 2-7Chapter 3-1Chapter 3-2Chapter 3-3Chapter 3-4Chapter 3-5Chapter 3-6Chapter 3-7Chapter 4-1Chapter 4-2Chapter 4-3Chapter 4-4Chapter 4-5Chapter 4-6Chapter 4-7Chapter 5-1Chapter 5-2Chapter 5-3Chapter 5-4Chapter 5-5Chapter 5-6Chapter 5-7
Skills Power StrikeMP StrikeHeal StrikeStun StrikeATK+ StrikeATK- StrikeDEF+ StrikeDEF- StrikeCrit+ StrikeCrit- StrikePower All StrikeHeal All StrikeStun All StrikeATK+ All StrikeATK- All StrikeDEF+ All StrikeDEF- All StrikeCrit+ All StrikeCrit- All StrikeMP BoostUltimate HealUltimate BuffUltimate Debuff
Passives Team Max HP+Team ATK+Team DEF+Team Crit DMG+Team Crit Rate+Team MP Boost
Gacha Club Water Element LadoLuniSnomallowReefBlueberry PielotGlammDreamyChrisCynSyeMizumiSaikiSebastianOrionFelixFadeVI and IVMashNekomuuEmikoDanaFuyumiMoemuraRenninEvyllnLexiaWolfychuKinenStefleZebulonCharlotteTeaCakuZack6XZLyteCykopath
Gacha Club Wind Element LemoRamunadeMofumofuThomas CatCedarRemmyKiwiManami LinSylphidSeer LancePatkunOliverCatgirlSammyLayneSilviaIrisKazekuraPirima-toilMidoriClaraNakashima YukiRomeoKeitoKyonJaeAspasdinidiesSpringMeloa & LenoaJin NguyenCloverOhige Alien
Gacha Club Fire Element YuniRinrinViviLammia SparklesAngelicaWikkiPoppyComander FierinSatsunaLuciferYukinachanYunaRadd1tz_Kal3mLilliIchiZielLeonMuuHotaruCarmaFlashyKlauLuluuRoseEsfirasyaElaineMattKouXDjole
Gacha Club Light Element ReinCleonyaCaramelKaedeMariposaPicc & PawketMintyHoang ZhaoMichaelOta & RisSenpaibunsMale BunsRoroCrydiaaCollinDaisy BakaNiaAlvasNyahal TajaMeikoYumiHatsyaMumbleMomoKatMaeAiaiTiaPOP STAREveGoddess
Gacha Club Dark Element MilyMoka000BexVivvleMarkApple PierateWeiYangRenegadeTabTabMeromeroKuroKuroClaudiaRobinPenelopeLonelyZyphon HaintAlkyAriaCarlaHatsumiNemuKiyomiNgocMortShizuRogerChericaMaxMelodyLilith
Gacha Club Corruption Element UsalinaLuniRamunadeBexTeaCakuChaotic OwOKiwiFierinManami LinVileblood RyanBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiKurakazeNekomuuEmikoCarmaMomom oKlauNgocKat? True Mort ?Male CrySickmeterBellaDictator Hatsya
Gacha Club DJ Element AtomLuniRamunadeLadoBexKiwiBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiCarmaFierinManami LinJinKlauKatNgocNekomuuHatsEvyllnMortRyanJaeAlveeAsifDJ LEAK!!!Bella
Gacha Club Shadow Element NeonMerupoLithPhantomVinylLuniMegunaYuni & LemoLander BlazerRyan & Manami000 (Lv.666)
Goddess Moka