Marie Florepuella is a wind unit, who made her debut in Gacha World in the last batch of 5-Star Units. She also appeared in Anime Gacha's Creation of Gacha Case and Anime Fidget Spinner Battle. She was created by Squavery.
Her special attack is "Nature's Wrath" where Marie calls forth thorn-covered vines to entwine all enemies, doing Wind Damage. Her leadership skill is "Extreme Wind HP Boost" which increases the maximum hitpoints of all Wind units in the party by 80%, but decreases their attack value by 25%.

Marie Florepuella's sprite in Gacha World
Florepuella Marie's lore from Gacha World
Long ago, there was a known rare type of flora in the natural ecosystem of the world that produces magical spores which have a small chance to grow further as a miraculous creation: humanoid flowers, thus being called as Flower Children. They bear hidden nature power in their veins that can lead to the environment's destruction or purity, depending on their intentions and their given set of morals defining which is for the better or for worse. Their magical power rooted from the tree.
Marie is one of the Flower Children, along with her male twin, Ariel. She loves to play and spend her time with him, she is also the sun for the boy's happiness. they reside with a husband and wife in a village living as their children, who soon discovered the truth about the twins from an unknown source. And so, they foster parents deiced to let them have a journey because of the children's own will to seek and see the story about themselves and the world - to learn by themselves after they insisted.
So they set on a journey, only two of them. However that did not go as how they wish to be in the end. The twins were separated by two kingdoms as they considered the children were a threat to the world. Time passes by, both of the twins grew stronger further awakening their latent powers of nature and they managed to escape from the grasp of the kingdoms and re-unite. However after a short reunion both decided to have their own adventure and see each other int he future, with Marie opening up a portal to a new world unfamiliar to her, with her dimensional powers.
"I'll show you the power of nature!" - Florepuella Marie's skill quote in Gacha World