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Lunime Wiki

Maid Sana is a Light Unit in Gacha World. She can be found in the first area of the Gacha Kingdom. She also appears in Anime Gacha as part of the Medieval Kingdom case, Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, Gacha Resort, and Gacha Club as a preset in Club Neko.

Sana is the first person the Gacha Summoner meets upon arriving in the Gacha Kingdom. She is friendly, helpful, and obsessed with cleaning.

Her special skill is "Clean Heal". Sana heals the player with her magic based on her attack rating. She has no leadership skill.

Sana does not have any in-game lore page.


"You're a bit dirty. Let me clean you up." - Maid Sana's skill quote in Gacha World

"I'll sweep you away!" - Maid Sana in Anime Gacha

"Everything must be CLEAN!" - Maid Sana in Gacha Club


