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Lunime Wiki


We’ve prepared something for you!
― Nea & Allen


Luxury Foodie Nea & Allen is a 5-star wind unit in Gacha League. Both based of off gluttony and greed sins, Nea and Allen enjoy hosting parties and having a great time with others, often praised by their ability to gather people together.
They were created by Puyurin.


Club Schmelly

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Nea & Allen's story in Gacha League

Nea and Allen is the last fragments. Nea holds ‘Glutton’ fragment, while Allen holds ‘Greed’ fragment. Both Nea and Allen loves making party around the world along with other sins. Freya always praised them since they always did a great job to make the world even more crowded and merrier.

Abilities and Skills[]

  • Skill Name: Luxury Party!
    • Skill Type: Physical Single
  • Leadership Skill: Bag of Cash


Lv. 1 Lv. 100
HP 18 130
Physical ATK 38 275
Physical DEF 33 239
Magical ATK 27 195
Magical DEF 4 29


  • Like every unit created by Puyurin in Gachaverse, this unit has the same awakened name.
GachaLeagueLogo cropped
Misc Unitsgachaleague.comIntroGacha SummonerGacha KingViiQueen Ellie

ClaireTiffReedJaceKuroshiManamiRikuVulcanusIrukaWanderer DaizLedi_SosulkiBuryaAlenkyOdetteOdileNahar ArkwingKiriko UematsuEvanee LeeDeckard KainMidnight Le DevarchValma Von GiovandGravity NamikazeMe'l Veil CatZagato De KurugiMagician Reixia

Super Rare
CykoEllynMagyYenaKrosWalter ForemanHartzellJack WallanceDr. FalkensteinFantome VoltaireHeartbroken MagoaPainter FenSweet AureliaBright MerakiGamer KolJunieSerenityRyuuga SaikoParadoxaVon WeizerEmi NulNurse LilyTelaKimi SinsSybilDio EzumiIsaac ZinE.RAZERLee JinzoRastafar AlekziClemsonShinanoGraf SpeeAjaxSovetskiy Soyuz

Ultra Rare
Charlotte MeiRemyEmberSakuraVinylMelancholic NeroHazardous TrojanHarridan RavenTreasonous HoshiArchfiend XavierCult Starter ElliosLuxury Foodie Nea & AllenBloody Hunter RainhardtTrainee Elf FreyaFlirty Maid EileenChao and SerenusVisLanaCephisNoxSolarisZephyrAzaleaCygnusLuciferMiwako HanamiDelilahMoesuraMirazArvegil(Unnamed Units illustrated by Jhelin)(Unnamed Units illustrated by 1chi)MoeKinen

Mega Rare
Restless AriaToxic CarolinaBlazing CarrieHushed HeatherMayhem NyalaEllusAuriaHeRRaPanzelNeveRotcoHanoneFlavaLicacoEnamTsunereiAlceWyattBlancheNoireLunaByakuyaRiaSolarisInuiAquaRaidSolKitsyPandoraMuu

Legendary Rare
SenpaibunsRaddDoggy Raddy
Cult Starter Ellios Bloody_Hunter_Rainhardt