Lunime Wiki

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Site-favicon EVENTS
Editor of the Year
Nominate a user who you think deserves the title Editor of the Year! Just click here.
Holiday Theme Suggestions
Suggest a Holiday that the staff of the Lunime Wiki should create a theme on! Any holiday is allowed, inclusive of religious holidays like Eid al-Fitr and Ramadan!


Lunime Wiki
User Memorial

This page is to memorialize all of those who have left our glorious wiki,

Users may add those of their close friends that have left us, however you may not add a user that has vanished due to a ban.

(If a user is not on the User memorial, please come to one of the staff members who are in charge of managing the page.)

~ Kryptopath , Community Mod, ×Nov,12,2023×

In Memories of MasterDace
I never had the chance to meet, but i wanna thank them for the amazing contributions they did to this wiki. — Dragolosse

Dace felt like a friend to me. I was really glad for her when she became a Thread Mod in January 2022, it's almost been 2 years. She hasn't been active in months now and I'm starting to wonder where she is, but wherever she is, I hope she's doing fine now. — Tey

In Memories of Someone
Feel free to put someone you cared about that left the wiki here! :]

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Lunime Wiki Staff
Bureaucrat LunarSeong (Lunar)Dragolosse (Drago)
Administrators Ripsum (Taiyo)
Content Mod Ander Ku (Shizu)Meikatsuki (Mei)
Thread Mod TeystulaTwo (Tey)Radioactivatian (Kry)
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