Lunime Wiki

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This article shows information about the official policies of the Lunime Wiki. Please read this page, as it details how the wiki works, how you can contribute, or what kind of behavior is allowed on the wiki.

This Lunime Wiki page is a stub. 
Please help in the expansion or creation of this Lunime Wiki page by expanding or improving it. The talk page may contain suggestions.


  1. No original characters, don't make pages about characters you created. Use the Fanon Wiki instead.
  2. Vandalism or other destructive editing is forbidden.
  3. All pages must have information upon creation.
  4. Do not make pages for objects/rooms etc. that do need to have one.
  5. Any content mistaking this wiki as an official contact point for the development team of the game is subject to being removed.
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  1. Date format should be displayed as such { 16 August, 2004 } (DD/MM/YY).

Note: If its a date that is mentioned in a Preset or in-game lore, you shouldn't touch and leave it is.


Section Explanation
Overview A general description of the character with the most important infos in a very condensed form.
Appereance A detailed explanation about how the characters looks.
Gallery A list of images related to the topic.

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