For information on Moonlight Luna, go here.
Luna (Syna in Xkour) is a Dark Unit who appears in Gacha World as the third boss of the game. She resides in the fifth area of Xkour. She also appears as a recruitable character in Gacha Resort and Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, and appears as "Mystery Luna" in Anime Gacha as part of the Future Punk case. She appears as a preset in Gacha Club, a member of Club Dark.
In Gacha World, she is corrupted into thinking all her friends are dead in Xkour, an MMO VR Extreme Parkour game. She is friends with Atom, Cyto, Blaz, and Cele.
Her special skill is "Sharp Cycle". Luna does a spinning attack against a single enemy, doing dark damage. She has no leadership skill.
Luna does not have any in-game lore page.
"Go away already." - Mystery Luna in Anime Gacha.
"They all disappeared, and you will too!" - Luna's skill quote in Gacha World.
"Your corruption must end now!" - Luna's words during the fight with RNG Goddess Ellie in Gacha World.