Killer Reddox is a Fire unit who made his debut in Gacha World. He also appears in Anime Gacha as part of the Neon Lunatics case, as well as in Gacha Resort and Anime Fidget Spinner Battle. A younger version of him appears in the light novel "Cykopath: Birth". He was created by Luni.
His special attack is "Lightning of Death" in which Reddox summons red lighthing to strike a column enemies, doing Fire damage. His leadership skill is "Time Stop" which adds one turn to all enemy attack delays except bosses.
Reddox's bio in "Cykopath: Birth"
"Mysterious and quiet, his passiveness hides a powerful aura, although he has trouble being motivated."
"Your time in this world ends now" Killer Reddox's skill quote in Gacha World