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Kilios is generally a Light unit, initially appearing in Anime Gacha as a fire 4-Star Unit in the Future Punk Case, under the name of "Traceur Kilios". This version had a different design compared to later incarnations of the character with an emphasis on orange and brown. This same version was featured in his Anime Arcade game, "Parkour Kilios".

He later appeared as a 3-Star Unit in the Neon Lunatics Case under the name "Kilios V2" which became his primary design. He later appeared in Gacha World, Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, Gacha Resort, and in Gacha Club where he is a preset in Club Light.

He was created by Kilios.

In Gacha World, Kilios is located in the fifth stage of Xkour Skylines. Corrupted himself, he keeps his fellow guardians in thrall and are is keeping players from ever leaving the game.

His special move is "Overshock" in which Killios strikes a column of enemies with his axe in an electrified attack, doing Light Damage. His leadership skill is "Light ATK Boost" which increases the max attack of all light units in the party by 20%.


Kilios' sprite from Gacha World

Scarecrow Kilios

The Scarecrow Kilios variant first appeared as a 6-Star character in the Gacha World's Halloween update, and also appeared in Anime Gacha's Vinyl Fantasy Case and in Anime Fidget Spinner. His special attack is "Speedcaster Strike" in which Kilios revs up and unleashes a fast attack on a single enemy, doing Light damage. His leadership skill is "Critical Speed" which delays all enemy attacks by one turn and increases the party's critical hit chances by 20%.


Scarecrow Kilios from Gacha World

Scarecrow Kilios' story

"Kilios is known to be the fastest runner in the virtual reality game Xkour, and the leader of the Four Guardians of the Xkour Skylines. He, in real life is a developer or an administrator, and thus him being one of the most known people in the world of Xkour. There was only one hero who matched and had outmatched Kilios in speed, breaking his record in the Xkour Skylines. He has a close partnership with Cyto with him being the beta tester of Xkour. One time in a Halloween night, he heard that all of the crops of the farmers around the world, virtual or real, have been attacked by multitudes of crows with a speed which can never be matched to the human speed in such a way. Simply put, they were at sonic speed in which they are very close to light speed. This way, Kilios felt concerned and also knew that his quick speed was only virtual. However, this one moment changed his entire role in real life.
A certain sentient force offered Kilios to have the power to travel or run at light speeds, although he has a role to eliminate all the anomalistic crows roaming throughout various worlds. This caused him to change his form-becoming the Scarecrow Kilios who is meant to hunt down abnormal crows attacking the crops of the farmers.
While hunting down one, he was sent into another world, tasked to clear the crows around all across one of the worlds Creator Luni had created".


“Go faster! Break the barrier!” - Kilios’ boss quote in Gacha Club.

"Please, you think I, Kilios, would lose to some noobs?" - Corrupted Kilios in Gacha World Chapter 4.

"Kilios is the name, speed is my game." - Kilios in Gacha Club

"Try and keep up with me." - Kilios' skill quote in Gacha World

"None shall match my speed." - Scarecrow Kilios' skill quote in Gacha World

"I'll finish this in a blink of an eye!" - Kilios' special attack quote in Gacha Resort.

"Gotta go faster, faster, faster!" - Kilios on Gem Beach in Gacha Resort.

"You're not half bad, partner!" - Kilios' Victory quote in Gacha Resort.

"We could've finished this faster..." - Kilios' Loss quote in Gacha Resort.

"The breeze at this resort is so fresh!" - When Kilios is tapped on his head in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.

"Kilios's the name, speed is my game!" - When Kilios is tapped on his nose in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.

"I might like you more than speed running..." - When Kilios is tapped on his side in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.

"Try that again and you'll be gone faster than the speed of light!" - When Kilios is tapped on his pants in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.

"I wonder if there's a pickup game around here?" - When Kilios is tapped on anywhere else in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.


  • Kilios was a moderator of Xkour, working for Dice before the corruption happened.
  • Kilios originally appeared as a playable character in the early Lunime game Jet Ace.

    Kilios in Jet Ace

  • His 6-Star easter egg in Gacha World is a reference to Sonic the Hedgehog.

