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Lunime Wiki
For the character see Jet Ace (Character), for the other game with the same name see Jet Ace (CyanPro).


Play as Jet Ace from Mix Gear and see how fast you can go! Avoid your enemies and make it as far as you can! Up or W to Jump, and Down or S to slide.
― Game Synopsis on Cyan Production's website


Jet Ace is a runner game featuring very early versions of some Lunime characters that would go on to appear in other games. This game is no longer available from the Play or App stores. It was originally released and made by Cyan Productions.


  • The protagonist, Jet Ace appears as a recruitable 4-Star character in Gacha Resort. He also appears in Gacha Club as a preset in Club Light.
  • In its original iteration, Jet Ace sported a complete cyan aesthetic until its remake.
  • The initial release of the game was exclusively accessible on PC.
  • The adversaries in the game possessed vitality.
  • Prior to the remake, coins took on the form of stars.



Jet Ace gameplay using Melody

Players use the Jump and Slide buttons to avoid obstacles and collect coins. Coins can be used to purchase other characters, eventually increasing the player's available life. Player can also select from four zones of varying difficulty: Metro Rooftops, Neon City, Volcanic Run, and Shadow Zone.


Image & Name Lives Speed Description
Metro Rooftops
3 x1 Metro Rooftops is the first zone in Jet Ace.
Neon City
2 x1 The Neon City is the second stage in Jet Ace. It has also appeared in the Gacha games, looking different.
Volcanic Run
2 x2 Volcanic Run is the third stage in Jet Ace. It's the same place from Lv20 on Xkour at the Training Zones.
Shadow Zone
1 x2 The Shadow Zone is the fourth and last stage in Jet Ace. It has the same speed as Volcanic Run.

Characters & Shop[]


The shop is the place to purchase the characters of Jet Ace. They all can be bought by coins, except for Luni and Mei. They're premium characters, so they could be bought with $2.00.

Character Description & Infos
JetAceJet Ace Jet Ace, or also known as Jet, is the main and first character in the following game, Jet Ace.

He also makes appearances in Gacha Resort as a 4-Star unit, and in Gacha Club as a preset in Club Light. He originally appeared in PTRO as an NPC, and he also appeared Cyan Productions' game - Mixgear. He only makes appearances in 3 gacha games.

Cost: None
Shop Page: 1
Aliases: Jet
Creator: Luni
Age: 19
Birthday: December 23th

Melody is the second character in Jet Ace, and she can also be purchased in the shop of the game.

She makes most of her appearances in the other Lunime games. In the few late Lunime games, Melody is having the same design.

Aliases:Witch Melody
Creator: Luni
Cost: 100
Shop Page: 1
Status: Alive
Age: 20
Birthday: July 7th

Vinyl is the 3rd character in Jet Ace. He is also the brother of DJ Lyte, and he also got corrupted in Gacha Club.

Trivia He first met Mei in Gacha Memories, at Mei x DJ Vinyl.

Aliases: DJ Vinyl
Creator: Luni
Cost: 200
Shop Page: 1
Age: 26
Birthday: February 4th
Family and Relatives: DJ Lyte (Younger brother)

Gwen is the fourth character in Jet Ace.

She has made her appearances in most of the other Lunime games. She was helping X to steal the Ultimate Record, back at Gacha World. She is only named 'Gwen' in Jet Ace.

Aliases: DJ Clover
Creator: Luni
Cost: 300
Shop Page: 1
Status: Alive Age: 20
Birthday: August
Family and Relatives: Unnamed older brother

Kilios is the 5th character in Jet Ace, originally created by Kilios.

His early version is more different than his future ones back at the newer Gacha games. He got corrupted in Gacha World. He has 5 versions of his self.

Aliases: Kilios V2, Scarecrow Kilios, Traceur Kilios
Creator: Kilios
Cost: 500
Shop Page: 2
Age: 19
Birthday: May 1st

FrostyFrostFrost Frost is the sixth character in Jet Ace. She originally appeared in Anime Gacha on Lunime.

Aliases: Cynthia
Creator: Luni
Cost: 700
Shop Page: 2

X is the seventh character in Jet Ace, making most of his appearances on the newer Lunime games. He is the best friend of Phantom. He is Vinyl's enemy. He first appeared at Put The Record On!. A game made by Xyo.

Aliases: Xavier (Real name), DJ X-mas, That X guy
Creator: Luni
Cost: 1000
Shop Page: 2
Age: 28
Birthday: 3/17
Family and Relatives: Eve (foster daughter)

Phantom is the eighth character in Jet Ace, and also who got corrupted on Gacha World, at Vinyl city. He is the best friend of X, and also friends with Cykopath. He loves classical music. He has a crush on a blue person. He is a cat person.

Alias: DJ Phantom
Creator: Phantom (Rafael O.)
Cost: 1500
Shop Page: 2
Age: 18-20
Birthday: August 20th

Luni is the ninth character in Jet Ace. He's a premium character, which means that he cannot be purchased by coins. Just like as Mei. He loves ducks.

Aliases: Lucas
Creator: Luni
Cost: Premium (1.99$)
Shop Page: 3rd page
Age: 29
Birthday: April 23th
Family and Relatives: Mei (younger sister)

Charlotte, or Mei is the tenth and last character in Jet Ace, and a premium character in the game. Which means that she cannot be purchased by coins. She doesn't appear in many Lunime games. Expect few ones. Potato isn't with her this time.

Aliases: Charlotte Mei, Creator, Charlotte Lee
Cost: Premium
Shop Page: 3
Status: Alive
Age: 23
Birthday: February 4th
Family and Relatives: Luni (brother)

Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
LuniMerutoro10SenpaibunsTeaCakuCrydiaaMonet LilliPurorangeRaddShizu Forever
Games New WonderEnd 0 WE0IconGacha Life 2 Gacha Life 2 AppGacha Club GciconRate My OC RmociconGacha Life GlflogoGacha League GllogoGacha Memories GmlogoMeme Gacha MglogoPocket Chibi PclogoGacha Resort GrlogoAnime Fidget Spinner Battle AfslogoGacha Studio GslogoNeko Gacha NekoGacha World Gacha-world iconAnime Arcade AnimeArcadeIconAnime Gacha AnimeGachaIcon
Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book
Jester Jin Nguyen