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Be careful around me. You never know when a dragon might turn on you...
― Jae
Jae is a non-player character in Gacha Life. She can be found in Back Alley B, together with Sparky. She is an assassin who also loves to treasure hunt on the side.
Originally appearing in Anime Gacha as a 6-star neutral unit, she is a persona character of one of the associates of Lunime.
Jae is a tall demi-dragon woman. She has brown medium-length hair with side bangs and a dark green ombre. Her eye color is unknown due to them being covered by black-framed shades with green lenses. There is a green star-shaped mark on her right cheek.
Jae wears a grey zipped up jacket with ends and hood in green, a green mini skirt, long stripped socks and black shoes. Since she is of dragon species, she also has her dragon wings and tail revealed.
She can lift 300 pounds (approx. 136 kilograms) with her tail.
Despite being an assassin, the sight of blood makes her nauseous.
She is obsessed with treasure, especially emeralds and diamonds.
Her favorite anime/game is Uta no Luni-sama.
Uta no Luni-sama is most likely a reference to Uta no Prince-sama.[1]
Dialogues, Quiz and more!
I'm Jaeselle. But you? You can call me Jae!
I'm filled with sugar and spice and a flame that melts ice!
Be careful around me. You never know when a dragon might turn on you...
You want to be my friend?
Are you sure it's me you meant to talk to...?
Thank you for talking to me, but please don't touch my tail.
Do you want to go for a quick flight?
Talking to me might just be the best decision you made all day!
I first appeared in the game Anime Gacha.
My occupation is an Assassin. Treasure hunter on the side.
Despite my occupation I can't stand seeing blood. It makes me nauseous.
I have an obsession with shiny trinkets and treasure but mostly emeralds and diamonds.
I love flying in the rain, especially when it's thundering and lightning.
I once tried to lift a boulder with my tail, it was quite heavy, weighing 300 pounds
I love all nature, but my favorite animals are turtles, cheetahs, giraffes and chimpanzees.
I have this odd dream of flying to different planets, but mostly I wish to fly to Mercury.
One of my favorite animes/games is Uta no Luni-sama.
My favorite color is emerald green.
For me? You shouldn't have.
Hmm? What did I do to deserve this?
This is unexpected, especially from you.
If this gift didn't come from you, I would light it on fire.
I thought it was going to be something else, but this is nice too.
Thank you. I'll be sure to hide.. I mean.. store this in my nest.
Hold on. Did someone tell you I wanted this?!
Yes! Yes! This is my all time FAVORITE thing! Besides you, of course.
I love it so much that it sparks the fire in my belly!
Are you ready to face possible extinction?
1. Which Lunime game did I make my first appearance in?
Gacha Resort
Gacha Life
Gacha Studio
Anime Gacha
2. What is my occupation?
Treasure Hunter
3. What can't I stand when it comes to my job?
Doing the dirty work
People in pain
The hours
Seeing blood
4. Which kind of trinkets and treasures do I like the most?
5. What is my favorite type of weather to fly in?
6. How much did the boulder I tried to lift weigh?
150 pounds
250 pounds
100 pounds
300 pounds
7. What is the second animal I named in my list of favorite animals?
8. What planet do I wish I could fly to the most?
9. What is my favorite anime/videogame called?
Uta no Lunime-sama
Luni no Luni-sama
Gacha no Luni-sama
Uta no Luni-sama
10. What shade of green is my favorite?
Mint Green
Emerald Green
Sage Green
That's one question closer to saving the world!
Aw. You\'re ruining my fun by getting these right!
Congrats. You really are smarter than you look.
You knew me better than the rest! You\'re the match to my fire!
Rawwwr!@!!@@!!// I thought you knew me better than this!!