Inferno is a Fire Unit who appears in Gacha World in the second area of the Xkour Skyline. He also appears in Gacha Resort, Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, and Anime Gacha as part of the Vinyl Fantasy case.
In Gacha World, he is the second Guardian the Gacha Summoner faces when trying to reach the Creator of Xkour. He has a tendency to insert "yo" in most of his sentences.
His special skill is "Flame Wall" in which Inferno kicks into the air and launches a wall of flame across the front row of enemies, doing Fire damage. His leadership skill is "Great Boost" which increases the maximum hitpoints and attack value of all units in the party by 15%.
Inferno does not have any in-game lore page.
"Is it hot in here? Well it's about to get hotter!" - Inferno's skill quote in Gacha World