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Lunime Wiki

Hermit Turtle is a wind unit, who made his debut in Gacha World as a 5-Star Unit in the "Neon Batch". He appears in the first area of Neon City as a mercenary working for the Green Neon faction during the Neon city Faction War.

His special attack is "Chakram Cycle", Hermit Turtle throws both of his chakram at a single enemy, doing Wind damage. His Leadership skill is "Wind ATK Ultra Boost", increasing the attack value of all wind units in the party by 40%.

Hermit Turtle does not have any in-game lore page.

He was created by Luni.


Hermit Turtle's sprite in Gacha World


  • "Hermit" may be a mistranslation of his name as he says both that he is "fast as a hermit" and "the fastest hermit in the Green Faction," neither of which make much sense.o