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I can see your every move.
― Hartzell’s skill quote in Gacha League


Hartzell is a 4-star wind unit in Gacha League.  He was created by NamelessActor.

His skill is an AOE attack called “Linked Perception”, and his leadership skill is called “Blind Child’s Clairvoyance”.


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Hartzell’s story in Gacha League

Born from a family of doll makers, he was an expert doll maker despire the fact that he was blind. One day he was told that he was beautiful like a doll. He then replaced his own eyes with doll eyes to make himself perfect. Without knowing a mysterious power were unleashed from his new 'eyes'.

Abilities and Skills

  • Skill Name: Linked Perceptions
    • Skill Type: Magical AoE
  • Leadership Skill: Blind Child's Clairvoyance


Lv. 1 Lv. 100
HP 15 ?
Physical ATK 20 ?
Physical DEF 25 ?
Magical ATK 34 ?
Magical DEF 20 ?


GachaLeagueLogo cropped
Misc Unitsgachaleague.comIntroGacha SummonerGacha KingViiQueen Ellie

ClaireTiffReedJaceKuroshiManamiRikuVulcanusIrukaWanderer DaizLedi_SosulkiBuryaAlenkyOdetteOdileNahar ArkwingKiriko UematsuEvanee LeeDeckard KainMidnight Le DevarchValma Von GiovandGravity NamikazeMe'l Veil CatZagato De KurugiMagician Reixia

Super Rare
CykoEllynMagyYenaKrosWalter ForemanHartzellJack WallanceDr. FalkensteinFantome VoltaireHeartbroken MagoaPainter FenSweet AureliaBright MerakiGamer KolJunieSerenityRyuuga SaikoParadoxaVon WeizerEmi NulNurse LilyTelaKimi SinsSybilDio EzumiIsaac ZinE.RAZERLee JinzoRastafar AlekziClemsonShinanoGraf SpeeAjaxSovetskiy Soyuz

Ultra Rare
Charlotte MeiRemyEmberSakuraVinylMelancholic NeroHazardous TrojanHarridan RavenTreasonous HoshiArchfiend XavierCult Starter ElliosLuxury Foodie Nea & AllenBloody Hunter RainhardtTrainee Elf FreyaFlirty Maid EileenChao and SerenusVisLanaCephisNoxSolarisZephyrAzaleaCygnusLuciferMiwako HanamiDelilahMoesuraMirazArvegil(Unnamed Units illustrated by Jhelin)(Unnamed Units illustrated by 1chi)MoeKinen

Mega Rare
Restless AriaToxic CarolinaBlazing CarrieHushed HeatherMayhem NyalaEllusAuriaHeRRaPanzelNeveRotcoHanoneFlavaLicacoEnamTsunereiAlceWyattBlancheNoireLunaByakuyaRiaSolarisInuiAquaRaidSolKitsyPandoraMuu

Legendary Rare
SenpaibunsRaddDoggy Raddy
Walter Foreman Jack Wallance