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Lunime Wiki

Gachaverse, formerly known as Gacha League, is an anime-styled dress-up and collecting game. Future updates should include a story mode and battle system. Only the dress-up system, character Gacha, upgrade, and awakening systems are available in the early release of the game. Recruitable characters feature artwork from across the Lunime fan community.

This app was announced as a prequel to Gacha World, but currently the plot of story mode is unknown. However, Ellie can be seen in the small clip at the beginning of the game. A new fairy is also introduced, Vii.



After releasing an early access version of Gachaverse for Android, iOS, and PC devices, Luni went on to showcase the upcoming battle mode system during his live streams and through Twitter. A new boss batch called Outer Gods was also introduced and was presumed to come out together with the aforementioned mode. August was the month when the promised content was supposed to be released.

However, another postponement happened. On July 27, 2018, Luni announced that he'll be splitting Gachaverse into two separate games: one for the battle mode and the other for dress-up and studio aspects. This was done primarily because the initial game was too big to add any new content.[1] After the announcement, focus quickly shifted to creating a new dress-up game, which would later become Gacha Life.

On February 19, 2019, Luni made an announcement on the Gacha Club Discord server that Gachaverse will be retitled to Gacha League. According to him, this was done because of Gachaverse being used as a dress-up game rather than a RPG one. A decision was made to invest more into servers and leader boards and focus on redesigning the entire game. Due to a massive workload, an estimated release date wasn’t revealed.[2]

On April 1, 2019, Charlotte made a post on the official Lunime Facebook group announcing the development of Gacha League. She stated that this project would be a new and improved version of Gachaverse.[3] It was also told that more information would soon come out; however, it never came. It is suspected that the project was fully abandoned, although reasons for doing so are not known to the general public. It is suspected that the game was cancelled in favor of Gacha Club which took many battle system elements and features.


See: Units/Gachaverse



GachaLeagueLogo cropped
Misc Unitsgachaleague.comIntroGacha SummonerGacha KingViiQueen Ellie

ClaireTiffReedJaceKuroshiManamiRikuVulcanusIrukaWanderer DaizLedi_SosulkiBuryaAlenkyOdetteOdileNahar ArkwingKiriko UematsuEvanee LeeDeckard KainMidnight Le DevarchValma Von GiovandGravity NamikazeMe'l Veil CatZagato De KurugiMagician Reixia

Super Rare
CykoEllynMagyYenaKrosWalter ForemanHartzellJack WallanceDr. FalkensteinFantome VoltaireHeartbroken MagoaPainter FenSweet AureliaBright MerakiGamer KolJunieSerenityRyuuga SaikoParadoxaVon WeizerEmi NulNurse LilyTelaKimi SinsSybilDio EzumiIsaac ZinE.RAZERLee JinzoRastafar AlekziClemsonShinanoGraf SpeeAjaxSovetskiy Soyuz

Ultra Rare
Charlotte MeiRemyEmberSakuraVinylMelancholic NeroHazardous TrojanHarridan RavenTreasonous HoshiArchfiend XavierCult Starter ElliosLuxury Foodie Nea & AllenBloody Hunter RainhardtTrainee Elf FreyaFlirty Maid EileenChao and SerenusVisLanaCephisNoxSolarisZephyrAzaleaCygnusLuciferMiwako HanamiDelilahMoesuraMirazArvegil(Unnamed Units illustrated by Jhelin)(Unnamed Units illustrated by 1chi)MoeKinen

Mega Rare
Restless AriaToxic CarolinaBlazing CarrieHushed HeatherMayhem NyalaEllusAuriaHeRRaPanzelNeveRotcoHanoneFlavaLicacoEnamTsunereiAlceWyattBlancheNoireLunaByakuyaRiaSolarisInuiAquaRaidSolKitsyPandoraMuu

Legendary Rare
SenpaibunsRaddDoggy Raddy
Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
LuniMerutoro10SenpaibunsTeaCakuCrydiaaMonet LilliPurorangeRaddShizu Forever
Games New WonderEnd 0 WE0IconGacha Life 2 Gacha Life 2 AppGacha Club GciconRate My OC RmociconGacha Life GlflogoGacha League GllogoGacha Memories GmlogoMeme Gacha MglogoPocket Chibi PclogoGacha Resort GrlogoAnime Fidget Spinner Battle AfslogoGacha Studio GslogoNeko Gacha NekoGacha World Gacha-world iconAnime Arcade AnimeArcadeIconAnime Gacha AnimeGachaIcon
Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book
Gacha Memories Gacha Life