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Gacha Woods is the first location visited by the Gacha Summoner and Ellie in the game Gacha World.  The woods are part of the Gacha Kingdom, a fantasy themed realm that also contains the Gacha Castle and the coast line large enough for a pirate ship.

During the plot of the story[]

After the tutorial of the failed attempt against the Corruption Final Boss and the result of the Gacha Summoner losing his/her memories, remembering his/her own identity and unhood to reveal theirselves, and the adventure with Ellie had begun between the two, although the Summoner’s voice will be muted for a very long time when he/she started chapter 1. However, his/her level is back to 1 at the very start, so the Summoner will have to level up if wanted to compete with the battle they had to encounter. Originally, the Summoner got new units to Gacha first before he/she goes into battle with. Lucky enough that he/she got some 5 & 6 star units, so he/she is prepared.


As the quest for both Summoner and Ellie begins, they stumbled upon onto Gacha-Robo, who is missing bunch of parts because the goblins are probably about to dismantle him just for fun, as he only sees the Summoner, but not Ellie since he’s having trouble looking at her, not knowing on who she is. Once the two got the parts back for Gacha-Robo, monsters are approaching towards them as they’re not happy that Gacha-Robo is put back together because his parts are their favorite toys to play with, so they all attack the group. The Summoner, Ellie and Gacha-Robo managed to fight them off completely and defeated them. Gacha-Robo only thanking the Summoner but Ellie annoyed saying she’s also there too, until Gacha-Robo was playing with her saying “Ha-Ha-Ha. Gacha!” which made Ellie respond to him angrily, “Oh, very funny! Just because your name is Gacha-Robo, doesn’t mean you need to make puns!”, so Gacha-Robo is seriously good at making jokes, and Ellie had to deal with the jokes, so both Summoner and Ellie had to move on, continuing on with their quest.


  1. Gacha-Robo
  2. Jester
  3. Devil Akki
  4. Demon Hunter
  5. Pirate Jessie(Boss)


Gacha-Robo Questline[]


After losing all progress in the Final Boss, the two adventurers find theirselves in the Gacha Woods. They then begin to start their first quest, which is Gacha Robo's questline. The main problem is the robot has their parts missing because of the goblins.

- A New Beginning -[]

"Hello Gacha Summoner! I am Gacha-Robo, and welcome to the Gacha World! Click the START button to begin your first quest."

  • Element: Water Water
  • Level: 1
  • EXP: 10
  • Waves: 1
A New Beginning
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Hello Gacha Summoner! Are you ready for your first quest? I'm here to help!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Hey, I'm here too!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Unable to identify. It seems that I am missing a few parts.
Ellie Fairy Ellie Ohh~! That seems like a problem! Is there anything we can do to help?
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo The goblins in the Gacha Woods seem to take a liking to disassembling me. Could you go and retrieve my parts for me?
Ellie Fairy Ellie I heard goblins are the easiest monsters to fight! Let's help out Mr. Robot here [Summoner Name]. We'll get your parts back for you!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo I appreciate it very much [Summoner Name]! Good luck [Summoner Name]!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Wah~! Include me too!

Battle begins

Enemy Table
Wave 1
Water Water Goblin Lv.1

396 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

- Robo Parts -[]

Robo Parts
  • Element: Water Water
  • Level: 1
  • EXP: 16
  • Waves: 1
Wave 1
Water Water Goblin Lv.1

396 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.1

396 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

- Missing Pieces -[]

Final Fixes
  • Element: Water Water
  • Level: 2
  • EXP: 30
  • Waves: 2
Wave 1 Wave 2
Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

- Robo Reborn -[]

  • Element: Water Water
  • Level: 2
  • EXP: 40
  • Waves: 3
Robo Reborn
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Repair complete! Thank you [Summoner Name] and Fairy!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Yay~! You can see me now, we did it [Summoner Name]!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Alert! Enemies approaching from all directions!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Oh c'mon! What terrible timing! Let's finish these goblins off [Summoner Name]!

Battle Begins

Wave 1 Wave 2 BOSS WAVE
Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Water Water Goblin Lv.2

441 HP

Cooldown: 3 turns

Robo Reborn
Ellie Fairy Ellie Quest Complete! We fixed Mr. Robo and stopped the goblins!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo You have done an excellent job [Summoner Name]! It was thanks to you and only you I was able to be fully functional again.
Ellie Fairy Ellie Hey! I think you're missing someone again!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Unidentified voice detected! Where is it coming from?
Ellie Fairy Ellie Waa~! I thought we were done here!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Ha - ha - ha. Gacha!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Oh, very funny! Just because your name is Gacha-Robo doesn't mean you need to make puns!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Please admit it, I gacha good!
Ellie Fairy Ellie Wah~! I give up! Let's go Summoner Name], we gacha get out of here before... Gah~! It''s already happening!
Gacha-RoboGacha-Robo Thank you once again [Summoner Name] and Ellie!
Features GachaAchievementsOptionsGuide
Shops Gem ShopFashion ShopUpgrade Shop
Story Gacha WoodsGacha KingdomXkourXkour SkylinesElementiaVinyl CityNeon CityGacha MoonRNG World
Events Farm (Season 1)Farm (Season 2)Exp (Season 1)Exp (Season 2)AwakeningCorruption
Challenges Luiselle's WeddingThe Love LetterNeko NyaGacha League
Other Tower
Water S3 Gacha-RoboSwimmer AoiCyto
S4 FrostUndineXyan
S5 DJ LyteBreaker BlaireCreator LuniCykopathRiku KuroiJack AceGemini Yumi-YumaBlaster Evylln
S6 Grandmaster ClaireMummy CyanthiaCandy Cane CykoBaka Blaire
S7 Penelope Coconut
Wind S3 JesterBaller KugariAtom
S4 GwenSylphJessa
S5 DJ CloverHermit TurtlePresident NaomiSagittarius EllynArbiter KeitokuLady LuckKazeto NekoshimaMarie Florepuella
S6 Blooming TiffWolf Spirit KeitoSnowball SylphChocolate Clover
S7 Dice
Fire S3 Devil AkkiYandere KukuBlaz
S4 InfernoEfreetNaito
S5 DJ XScarlet FlareIdol KinenKiller ReddoxCandy TanukiFreera FlameQueen KarmaPyromaniac Xiao
S6 Avenger ReedScythe RipperDJ X-MasSenpai Slayer Kuku
S7 Phoenix Ami
Light S3 Pirate JessieMaid SanaCele
S4 KiliosNekohimeYume
S5 DJ EveNova BladeKitsune MitsukoShiro SnowNanoko ShikiPaladin I'baLord ZeijurCelestial Alice
S6 Starlight EllieScarecrow KiliosChristmas EveCupid Valentine
S7 Lulano Skybunny
Dark S3 Demon HunterLolita LoliLuna
S4 ValeCheeryCindy
S5 DJ PhantomAngelic VioletSuccubus LilithReaperess MagyMelnya KyuzoTormentor SeiyaLolimere SuishoNyxeria Luiselle
S6 Lovely LunithWitch MelodyRibbon Tied PhantomDelicious Melnya
S7 Shishi