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Chapter 5 - Lilith's Hotel

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Seducing Entrance
Part 1 of Chapter 5
Ellie I can’t believe we are standing in front of a Love Hotel, [NAME].
Ellie Others might get the wrong idea if they see us here together, but I am sure that Lilith is here!
Lilith Hello Ellie and [NAME]! I would never imagine that you two would become a couple! How cute!
Lilith So what kind of room do you want? The Luxury Suite? It’s very private and you two can scream as loud as you want!
Ellie EWWW! GROSS!!! I mean no offense, [NAME], but you just aren’t my type!
Ellie No Lilith, we are actually here to see you! We have something very important to discuss!
Lilith Wow! You both are so brave coming all the way here to see me!
Lilith If you really want to get a room for all three of us, then you should have just said something! The more the merrier!
Ellie STOP! We aren’t here for a room! There is something very strange happening at this resort!
Ellie OH GREAT TIMING! It involves these creatures that were chasing us! Let’s talk after we defeat them!
Overwhelming Guests
Part 2 of Chapter 5
Lilith What in the world were those monsters! I’ve never seen such ferocious creatures in my life!
Lilith Usually I am able to seduce even the meanest animals, but not those things!
Ellie That is what we came here to talk to you about! We were hoping that you would be able to tell us what happened to them..
Ellie We have a belief that they may have been corrupted!
Lilith CORRUPTED? I thought [NAME] took care of the whole corruption situation in Gacha World?
Lilith No, no, this can’t be happening again! This will ruin my plans to make the world’s greatest love hotel!
Ellie It will ruin more than just that! Innocent lives are at stake!
Ellie Mitsuko told us that you may have connections with the darkness, could you check and see if anything stands out?
Lilith Sure, just give me a second, I think I heard more guests at the door.
Lilith EEK! These aren’t guests! [NAME]! Can you help me defeat these scary looking things?
Dangerous Visions
Part 3 of Chapter 5
Lilith As much as I love tentacles, that eyeball creature was freaking me out!
Lilith Let me use my powers of darkness to see if I can sense any disturbances near us.
Ellie Almost every animal we have encountered at this resort has attacked us!
Ellie Turtles, crabs, fish, kappa, even an army of ducks! Oh wait, I don’t think the ducks were corrupted, they just wanted Luni’s food.
Lilith I’m having some visions of someone extremely evil close by. I can’t quite make out what they look like or even where they are…
Lilith I’m trying hard to focus but I think there is some kind of barrier set up here.
Ellie A barrier near the hotel? Maybe if we can locate it and destroy it, you will be able to see who the true mastermind behind all of this is!
Ellie Let’s search the grounds near the hotel for it [NAME]!
Lilith Look over there! Those guys look like they are up to something! Maybe they are guarding the barrier!
Lilith I will try to distract them with my seduction, and then we can launch a surprise attack!
Charming Enemies
Part 4 of Chapter 5
Ellie Let’s keep moving! The barrier has to be nearby! So were you able to see anything at all Lilith?
Ellie Could this be the same corruption enemy that we faced in Gacha World?
Lilith No, [NAME] was able to completely erase them from existence, so this is an entirely different threat!
Lilith All I could clearly see in my vision was a single shadow, but there might have been more.
Ellie I think we could handle a single person, but more than one?
Ellie We might be looking at something much bigger than we can ever imagine, [NAME]. I have a bad feeling about this!
Lilith I can sense the barrier up ahead, but I don’t like what I see!
Lilith There are tentacles! Tentacles everywhere! This almost looks like a scene from a he…
Ellie Don’t say it Lilith! I already know what you are thinking!
Ellie You survived them once before, you can do it again! Are you ready [NAME]? Let’s go fry up some tentacles!
Succubus of Lust
Part 5 of Chapter 5
Lilith UGH! THAT WAS SO DISGUSTING! I hope I never see another tentacle in my life again!
Lilith The barrier should be just up ahead! Let’s go destroy it before any more gross monsters appear!
Ellie I can’t wait to see the look on this evil doers face when they find out that we got rid of their barrier and discovered their secret identity!
Ellie They are messing with the wrong group of people!
Lilith There's the barrier! Let me summon my powers to destroy it!
Lilith WOOOSH! Adios barrier! Now let me try to focus again to see who is causing all this corruption!
Ellie Wait! Do you feel the ground shaking, Lilith?
Ellie Is there an earthquake going on? I think you might have activated some kind of trap when you broke the barrier!
Lilith What is that hideous creature coming out of the ground! SO, MANY, TENTACLES!!! I am going to have nightmares for weeks!
Lilith [NAME], I need you to help me get rid of this thing as quickly as possible!
Succubus of Lust
Part 6 of Chapter 5
Lilith Now that we took care of all the monsters, let me figure out once and for all who is pulling the strings behind all of this evil!
Lilith I can’t see what they look like... it’s still too dark... but... wait…
Ellie What is it Lilith!? Who is the source of the corruption? Why are they doing this to the resort creatures?
Ellie When are they going to attack next? Where are they hiding?
Lilith I am trying to pin point their exact location, Ellie. I can feel the darkness coming closer, and closer, and closer!
Lilith Whatever it is, they are coming this way right now! Oh no! They are right behind you!
Unknown Corruption will soon descend upon the entire resort... I’m sure we will meet again soon, [NAME].

Gacha Resort
Features AdventureBeach RelayChallengesGachaMini GamesGiftsShop
Story Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Miscellaneous SummonerEllieCoruRogerSadiKakuiPina
Swimmer AoiTanned RafaWanchanFloaty ImoutoBeachball-ChanSurfboard-KunSchool BoyHarpiaSchool GirlGamer SwirlyWater FairyWind FairyFire FairyModel KeithModel Leslie
Wonderland AliceJesterMikoIdol TinaLunaCytoRockin’ SamNaitoCocoSchool IdolSethKugariSenseiHikariMummy
ManaGwenDevil AkkiNekohimeLolita LoliNurse RisaUsagi MeidoPopstar AsifMaid SanaOni-ChanXyanSamurai KasaiBlazPirate JessieDemon Hunter
FrostCrescentiaInfernoYumeCheeryUndinePeaceEfreetJet AceSparky ChinsCrescendoJessaRyanStarMallory
LuniNaomiKukuMitsukoLilithLyteCloverXEvePhantomCykoEllynReddoxShiroMagyClaireTiffReedCupidMelnyaEvyllnKazetoKarmaAliceMelodyCyanthiaFerryXiaoNova BladeTemachiiBlaireElsieDinoRaimu1chiAnavelAraSheepyKeitoLuiselleCecilia NieveKitty NellaVentusGympie ToxicariaVynil E-347ArniceYasuhaRinGraf SpeeAureliaRashmiKisaraAmaiFlarion V. FenrirKumamochiShinu SoburuZodiacal MonyaNilvera
Charlotte MeiSylphScythe RipperKimi SinsLunithAriaCarolinaCarrieHeatherNyalaNieroDaisy BakaReiaLulanoDeeALucas LeeJaesellePrincess RosetteKiliosShanielleMoonlight LunaNiaJuno SydeMaou Edith