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Gacha Life 2 is a gacha game prior in development by Lunime.

In August 2023, Luni made an announcement that it would once more be developed as a standalone game, serving as the highly-anticipated sequel to Gacha Club, despite it being named after Life 1.[1]

Gacha Life 2 allows users to dress up an avatar in a highly creative environment. The avatars are very customizable, with complete freedom over color, sizing, and adjustment. It is the most advanced Gacha game yet, despite still being a work in process. Many updates are expected.



The dress-up feature is the first feature player meets when starting the game. It displays 9 characters which are fully customizable and adjustable, with extra slots being available just a click away. From there, the player can access other modes, view mail, collect gifts and toggle the options.


Main article: Gacha Life 2/Studio

In Studio, the player can create immersive scenes and stories with their characters. They can add up to 16 characters to one scene and include props, text bubbles and backgrounds. A movie maker feature, which would let you create short skits and stories, is soon to come.


Main article: Gacha Life 2/Gacha

In Gacha, the player can roll for characters with gems. The player can choose whether they want to pull for one character for 10 gems, or even ten of them for 100 gems. The characters are ranged by their rarity, starting with 1-stars and ending with 6-stars. They were created by various members of the Lunime community, and can later be used in dress-up and studio modes once they have been earned.

By rolling, the player earns stars which are later displayed in Life mode. The Gacha mode also calculates the amount of times the player has pulled and the amount of characters they have collected.


Main article: Gacha Life 2/Life

In Life, the player can share characters they have created with others. It displays the first eight characters they have created, the amount of stars they have obtained and their account name. The player can update said data through the 'Update Data' window. There is also a visiting feature available, which lets the player view their friends' or other people's characters.


  • There was a joke going around for a bit that this game would release in 2026.
  • The game was originally meant to be released on October 11th, but Apple accidentally released the iOS beta on the October 10th at around 12:47 (CET TIMEZONE).



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