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Lunime Wiki
For a similar feature in Gacha Resort, see Gacha Resort/Gifts.



In Gacha Life, you have access to over 100 gifts by doing Gacha draws. Gifts range in rarity from 1 Star (Common) 6-Star (Mega-Rare). Gifts have two uses:

  • They can be used in the Studio or the Skit maker as props
  • They can be given to characters met in Life mode for Friend XP.

Gift levels 1-5 fall into one of 20 categories. 1 Star gifts are worth 10 friend XP points, 2 Star are worth 20 and so on up to 5 Stars worth 50 friend XP points. Each character has a preferred gift category. Giving the character their preferred gift earns double points.

6 Star Gifts behave slightly differently. They feature special artwork of the Gacha Life characters and are worth 500 friend XP points no matter who they are given to.

Once a gift is given, it's gone for good, which is why it's recommended that the player only gift with duplicates, especially with 6 star gifts. You can give gifts as long as you have reached 3rd level Friendship and have enough stamina to do so.

Gifts and Drop Rates[]

Category 1Star










6Stars 2%

Preferred By
Accessories Pink Bow Watch Sun Bonnet Butterfly Pin Wizard Hat NA
Adorable Penguin Doll Kitty Plushie Dino Doll Narwhal Plushie Abu Mermaid NA Senpaibuns
Animals Puppy Fox Hamster Magical Neko Pajama Abu NA
Candy Choco Bunny Dino Toy Candy Angel Lolipop Marshmallow Dango NA
Clothes Pink Dress Abu Shirt Galaxy Shirt Wizard Robe Traditional Kimono NA
Cookies Cookie Sugar Cookie Star Cookie Heart Macaron Ghost Cookie NA
Dessert Ice Cream Cupcake Sprinkled Donut Strawberry Cake Wedding Cake NA
Drinks Pink Lemonade Green Tea Chocolate Milk Bubble Tea Fluffy Fizz NA
Flowers Tulip Flower Daffodil Pink Lily Golden Rose NA
Fruit Strawberry Green Apple Banana Watermellon Slice Dragon Fruit NA Sandy
Gaming Game Controller Cute Controller Fire Controller Neko Controller Gacha Station NA Radd
Jewelry Heart Necklace Jewel Earrings Love Ring Pharaoh Necklace Pharaoh Earrings NA
Music Abu Tunes Drum Set Neko Radio

Angel Earbuds

Neko Headphones NA Picc
Plants Cactus Spiky Cactus House Plant Bonsai Tree Flames of Love Flower NA Xenos
Sports Basketball Badminton Set Football Hoverboard Hot Dog Beluga Whale NA Brody
Stickers Kitty Turtle Pie Sheepy Baby Owl Fairy Neko NA
Tech Cute Phone Fire Phone Fire Laptop Lovely Laptop Galaxy Laptop NA Pawket
Toys Ducky Heart Yo-Yo Rocking Horse Swan Queen Tricera Toy NA Squidi
Halloween Pumpkin Candy Corn Spooky Lolipop Trick-or-Treat Basket Spooky Neko NA
Christmas Christmas Gift Candy Cane Christmas Tree Gacha Toy Bag Baby Rudolph NA

6Star Gift Characters[]

Page 1 Page 2
  1. Luni
  2. Bex
  3. Picc
  4. Pawket
  5. Mumble
  6. Nemu
  7. Hansuke
  8. Kaiya
  9. Senpaibuns
  10. Pat
  11. Mizumi
  12. Yukina
  13. Phantom
  14. 1chi
  15. Lemo
  16. Yuni
  17. Lado
  18. Fierin
  19. Satsuna
  20. Wei
  1. Lusa
  2. Rambo
  3. Spookybuns
  4. Luni (variation)
  5. Hallo Lado
  6. Alisa
  7. Kinen
  8. Muu
  9. Moe
  10. Mo
  11. Radd
  12. Senpai Artz
  13. Winterbuns
  14. Winter Pat
  15. Winter Luni
  16. Bex (variation)
  17. Festive Lemo
  18. Festive Yuni
  19. Festive Kinen
  20. Santa Mumble
Gacha Life Logo
Gameplay Elements CharactersLocationsGiftsMini GamesGemsGachaCredits
Hometown LuniSenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuni
School Courtyard NgocMoeKatMidoriProf. GachaSelenaLily
Floor 1 1chiFuuKumaNurse LuckChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroy
Floor 2 CarmaSakuraTakeshiFelicityLucaHime-samaRockstar-chanRadd
Floor 3 SweetgumBijuu MikeSenpai Artz
Roof FlashyKlauNikki NiiJoelSpongey
Park AlexaEzraHannahKaiPixie
City Gacha City FierinBexPiccPawketSatsunaCalebEmma
West of City LeafuCharlotteSerenity
Back Alley DaisyRinSparkyJae
Beach MizumiMumbleChronoBrodyCoralOttoSummer
Station Train Station SquidiInxanity
Train Dimension Rambo Nyan KittyXenos
Snowlands YukinaKinenFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterCrystal
Desert DamianAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarik
Bamboo Village WeiFengQingLilySpringJadePo
Spookyville AlisaEnzoThornAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaMorganaShadowNemuPhantomC.C.
Secret CharacteryMagical LuniLusaSuperBrian25RamunadeM u um o