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Lunime Wiki


Character Creation[]


Gacha Club Home Screen

Gacha Club's Character Creation feature, developed by Lunime for mobile and PC, is a beloved aspect of the game, providing players with extensive creative freedom. This feature offers a wide array of customization options for character appearance, including hairstyles, hair colors, eye shapes, eye colors, and skin tones, among others. Players can also mix and match outfits, accessories, and props from a diverse wardrobe that spans styles ranging from casual to fantasy.

To breathe life into their characters, players can select from various poses and facial expressions, enabling immersive storytelling and role-playing within the game. Additionally, players can choose different backgrounds and scenes, ranging from picturesque landscapes to urban environments, to enhance their character's story and setting.

Lunime consistently releases updates to introduce new customization options, outfits, and features, ensuring the game remains engaging and fresh. The game's interface offers convenient options for character editing, saving, and accessing different parts of the game from the bottom menu. Players can store characters for later use, with 90 additional slots available, and character backgrounds are saved as part of the character's data and can be changed.

Players can even turn off the interface for a clear view of the character and background, and they have the flexibility to zoom in and out of the active character window for precise customization. The character creation options are expansive, including additional accessories, an expanded color palette, asymmetrical options, and the ability to adjust placement, rotation, and size of design elements. Preset characters can also be loaded into an active slot, conveniently grouped by the club they represent.

With 600 poses available, divided into fourteen categories, players have ample choices for bringing their characters to life, and there are no animated poses to address previous lag issues. Character profiles have been enriched to include favorite battle units, clubs, birthdates, ages, profile information, decorative titles, and character details, eliminating the limitations of dropdown menus.

Online character sharing is locked until players reach level 5, which is achieved by gaining experience in battles and minigames, although PC users have this feature instantly. Online character sharing employs a simple code system, while offline mode allows sharing via a long code string from the character's profile, accommodating PC users and those without access to online codes.
