Start by getting new characters through the gacha system. Go to Secrets to get all your gems and gacha tickets. There are four different battles types that require different types of units: Story Mode, Elemental Towers, Training, and Shadow of Corruption. Aim for the story mode first, since the first few mobs in it are very easy to defeat to gain some juicy exp for your units. Corrupted Male Cry and Sickmeter are great units to defeat mobs because they have good AoE damage, HP, and DEF. Also, you can get these 2 great units without LUCK!!! You can go to the minigame section and play some minigames to get some bits, which are currencies to get special characters that can't be obtained through the gacha system. Each units start off with 3,000 bits to get. After, you only need 1,000 bits to boost your character's stat by a certain percentage by limit breaks. Start with putting pet party buff into all attack in your best ability to acquire damage.
Unit Classes[]
Attacker- AoE or single-target damage dealers (AoE=mobs & Single=Bosses)
MP Boosters- Boosts your MP to have consistent bursts from your units (VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE AT LEAST 2 FOR BATTLE)
Healers- Heals your team by a certain percentage of your unit's max HP (Usually used for bosses)
Ultimate Debuff- Debuffs your enemy (<5% damage, <5% defense, <5% crit rate, and <0.2x crit damage) (Usually used for bosses)
Ultimate Buff- Buff your team (<5% damage, <5% defense, <5% crit rate, and <0.2x crit damage) (Usually used for bosses)
What to Gacha?[]
- Rate up #9 for 2 MP Boosters (If you don't have any or have a few of them)
- Rate up #3 for Corrupted Cry (Powerful for Elemental Bosses or Story Mode Bosses)
- Dark Rate up to get a higher chance for Shizu
First Boss[]
After you beat the simple mobs on chapter 1, you face your first boss, Neon. He may sound imitating, considering he's your first boss. However, he's not very difficult to beat if you have the right team composition, unit level, and skill level. This is where the enhancing skill level and character level comes to play. Upgrade your skill moons and enhancement stars on your Corrupted Male Cry and Sickmeter first (Around level 20 for them should be good). These 2 units should knock out his minions fairly low or kill them. Then, use some high level single strike units to take down his health. It's recommended to bring a single strike healer just in case if he gets your units low, but he's still beatable without a healer.
2nd Chapter & Expansion[]
After you beat your first boss, the mobs will get more challenging and has 3 waves instead of 2. This is where you will grind units and materials for ascension. You can also try out the elemental towers for more rewards. From this point on, it's all about grinding for materials and leveling up.
Advanced Tips[]
- Story Mode - When you get levels 75+, this is where it's more important to have higher crit rate than ATK %. Around (40%/2x) is a good ratio for crits. For mobs, it's essential to maximize the skill of units with high AoE damage (Corrupted Units are best).
- Elemental Towers- Same as story mode for the mobs. However, Shizu is useless for the boss fights because the boss and their minions attack first. Both Sickmeter and Corrupted Male Cry should do the trick for the mobs, since they have decent survivability. Then, use Corrupted Cry to heal, while doing heavy damage. The boss also buffs his/herself, so bringing debuffers are key to winning.
- Training Mode- They are similar to the story mode and elemental tower mobs, maximize your damage and crit output.
- Shadow of Corruption- This is where the last thing you will go to after finishing the elemental tower bosses and story mode. You will fight various bosses from different elements. The easier bosses are Ohige Alien, Clover, Luni, and Meguna because they mostly do lower AoE damage in which healers should easily heal them to max. Don't even bother with Vinyl since he is the toughest boss in the entire game. Wait until all your valuable units are max leveled.
Best Units[]
- Shizu- Highest damage in the game, crit DMG + crit rate buff + crit DMG passive
- Corrupted Male Cry- High damage, decent HP, crit rate passive, low MP cost, 1.5x damage due to being a corrupted element, and easy to obtain
- Sickmeter- High damage, decent HP, attack up passive, decrease enemy attack, AoE damage, 1.5x damage due to being a corrupted element, and easy to obtain
- Muu- High damage, increase MP speed + amount + capacity
- Corrupted Nekomuu- Boosts MP and increase MP speed, crit rate passive (Useful for higher level monsters)
- Cedar/Lammia Sparkles/Lilli- Debuffs enemy, high base HP, and decent defense
- Midori/Collin- High base HP, MP boosters, and decent defense
- Kyon/Alvas- High base HP, Buffs team, and decent defense
- Aiai /Mariposa/Hatsumi- High base HP, Heals, and decent defense
- Corrupted Cry- Heals your team and strikes the enemy, high base HP.
For mobs, it's all about the damage and crits. Units that counters a certain element and with AoE damage are good. On the other hand, units for boss fights require high HP and Defense.