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Gacha Club Battles

Battle Mode is very similar to Anime Gacha’s battle mode, where each member of your team attacks in sequence, building up power for a special attack. Each team member has a different special attack and a different passive buff, similar to the unfinished battle system in Gacha League.

Characters advance by earning XP and leveling up their Active and Passive powers with items.  Once a character reaches a certain character  level, they must be  Awakened, which gains them a star and a higher level cap.  

There are four battle modes: Main Story, Elemental Towers, Training Mode, and Shadows of Corruption. Main Story is told in cutscenes followed by a series of battles, much like Gacha World and Gacha Resort. Elemental Towers involves completing a number of elemental based battles to advance. Training Mode is a simple battle mode with increased leveling item drops. Shadows of Corruption houses all of the Shadow units, which must be defeated in order to unlock them.

there are 5 chapters with 2 coming soon. This feature is not available in the PC version.

Originally there was going to be a update that added more chapters, however Luni has stopped updateing Gacha Club and has stated that Gacha Club is no longer cannon to the Lunime story and has stated that the story in Gacha Club is just a dream.

'Battle' is a function in Gacha Club. Units will have to attack monsters to win a game. Your units damage the monsters' HP, and the monsters can damage your units' HP. If all your units are dead, then the game ends. There are four battle categories, the Main Story, the Elemental Towers, the Training Mode, and the last is a category you can unlock after clearing Chapter 2 of the Main Story.



Main Article: Stats/Gacha Club
Gacha Club Skill Issue

Gacha club has 6 stats, if your HP reaches 0 you lose.


Main Article: Elements/Gacha Club


Main Article: Pets/Gacha Club

Pets can be obtained trough the gacha, theres two rarities of pets (Common & Legendary). Each select boosts a certain stat, you can have up to 10 pets at once in battle.


Main Story[]

Main Article: Main Story
Gacha Club Main Story

The first button from the left in battle mode. Currently, there are five chapters in the main story, each divided into seven subchapters. The player must fight and be victor of four battles per subchapter before progressing through the story. The battles in each subchapter revolve around one specific element, following this pattern:

  • The first subchapter always has battles where the opponent's element varies.
  • The next five subchapters focuses on one element, in this order: Water, Wind, Fire, Light, Dark
  • The last and most difficult subchapter revolves around the elements thought to be evil (Corruption and Shadow). The last battle of every chapter is always a boss battle.

The story appears to be a continuation of the events of Gacha World and follows the same idea: there is a hero able to summon spirits (the Gacha DJ) saving worlds (Usakage and the Gacha World) with the help of the spirits and a protective fairy (Bella).


Main Article: Training Mode
Gacha Club Training Mode

The third section of battle mode is training. You train your units to grind for money, exp, enhancement stars, skill moons, and awakening records.

Elemental Towers[]

Gacha Club Elemental Towers
Main Article: Elemental Towers

The second section in battle mode. Currently, there are six towers that contains six different elements. Once you complete all six, you will confront a boss before you move onto the next tower.

Shadows of Corruption[]

Main Article: Shadow of Corruption
Gacha Club Shadow of Corruption

The fourth section of battle mode. It can only be unlocked after you complete Chapter 2 of Story Mode. Currently, there are 23 bosses in this section.

Features HomeStudioUnitsGachaBattleMini GamesOptionsSecretsSoundtracksSoundsTutorialUnused ContentCurrencies
Currencies GoldGemsTicketsBitsEnhancement StarsSkill MoonsAwakening Records
Misc PresetsClubsTitles
Clubs Gacha (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) • Water (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Wind (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Fire (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Light (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dark (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Corruption (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)All-Stars (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bamboo (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bubble TeaCandyCosplayCyan (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Danger (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dragon (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)DreamsDuckFluffyGalaxy (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Gamer (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)GlitchKawaiiKnightLegend (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Lore (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)MagicNekoNeonPastelPhantomPotatoRainbowRhythmRoseSchmellyUWUVinylClub WhaleXVIPGachatubers
Menus Main StoryElemental TowersTraining ModeShadows of Corruption
Gameplay Battle StrategiesPetsStatsElements
Protags BellaLadoLemoYuniReinMilyUsalinaDJ AtomNeonMerupoLithPhantomVinyl
Chapters Chapter 1-1Chapter 1-2Chapter 1-3Chapter 1-4Chapter 1-5Chapter 1-6Chapter 1-7Chapter 2-1Chapter 2-2Chapter 2-3Chapter 2-4Chapter 2-5Chapter 2-6Chapter 2-7Chapter 3-1Chapter 3-2Chapter 3-3Chapter 3-4Chapter 3-5Chapter 3-6Chapter 3-7Chapter 4-1Chapter 4-2Chapter 4-3Chapter 4-4Chapter 4-5Chapter 4-6Chapter 4-7Chapter 5-1Chapter 5-2Chapter 5-3Chapter 5-4Chapter 5-5Chapter 5-6Chapter 5-7
Skills Power StrikeMP StrikeHeal StrikeStun StrikeATK+ StrikeATK- StrikeDEF+ StrikeDEF- StrikeCrit+ StrikeCrit- StrikePower All StrikeHeal All StrikeStun All StrikeATK+ All StrikeATK- All StrikeDEF+ All StrikeDEF- All StrikeCrit+ All StrikeCrit- All StrikeMP BoostUltimate HealUltimate BuffUltimate Debuff
Passives Team Max HP+Team ATK+Team DEF+Team Crit DMG+Team Crit Rate+Team MP Boost
Gacha Club Water Element LadoLuniSnomallowReefBlueberry PielotGlammDreamyChrisCynSyeMizumiSaikiSebastianOrionFelixFadeVI and IVMashNekomuuEmikoDanaFuyumiMoemuraRenninEvyllnLexiaWolfychuKinenStefleZebulonCharlotteTeaCakuZack6XZLyteCykopath
Gacha Club Wind Element LemoRamunadeMofumofuThomas CatCedarRemmyKiwiManami LinSylphidSeer LancePatkunOliverCatgirlSammyLayneSilviaIrisKazekuraPirima-toilMidoriClaraNakashima YukiRomeoKeitoKyonJaeAspasdinidiesSpringMeloa & LenoaJin NguyenCloverOhige Alien
Gacha Club Fire Element YuniRinrinViviLammia SparklesAngelicaWikkiPoppyComander FierinSatsunaLuciferYukinachanYunaRadd1tz_Kal3mLilliIchiZielLeonMuuHotaruCarmaFlashyKlauLuluuRoseEsfirasyaElaineMattKouXDjole
Gacha Club Light Element ReinCleonyaCaramelKaedeMariposaPicc & PawketMintyHoang ZhaoMichaelOta & RisSenpaibunsMale BunsRoroCrydiaaCollinDaisy BakaNiaAlvasNyahal TajaMeikoYumiHatsyaMumbleMomoKatMaeAiaiTiaPOP STAREveGoddess
Gacha Club Dark Element MilyMoka000BexVivvleMarkApple PierateWeiYangRenegadeTabTabMeromeroKuroKuroClaudiaRobinPenelopeLonelyZyphon HaintAlkyAriaCarlaHatsumiNemuKiyomiNgocMortShizuRogerChericaMaxMelodyLilith
Gacha Club Corruption Element UsalinaLuniRamunadeBexTeaCakuChaotic OwOKiwiFierinManami LinVileblood RyanBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiKurakazeNekomuuEmikoCarmaMomom oKlauNgocKat? True Mort ?Male CrySickmeterBellaDictator Hatsya
Gacha Club DJ Element AtomLuniRamunadeLadoBexKiwiBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiCarmaFierinManami LinJinKlauKatNgocNekomuuHatsEvyllnMortRyanJaeAlveeAsifDJ LEAK!!!Bella
Gacha Club Shadow Element NeonMerupoLithPhantomVinylLuniMegunaYuni & LemoLander BlazerRyan & Manami000 (Lv.666)
Placeholder Main Story