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"Gacha Club," originally known as "Gacha Life 2," is a game developed by Lunime and released in June 2020 for Android, followed by a Windows release on and an iOS launch in August 2020. This game serves as a culmination of Lunime's previous gaming endeavors. It incorporates a rich narrative featuring RPG elements and battles reminiscent of "Gacha World" and "Gacha Resort." Additionally, it offers a diverse collection of minigames, similar to those found in both "Gacha Resort" and "Gacha Life," which players can enjoy to earn gems and other in-game currency. Furthermore, "Gacha Club" boasts an extensive character creation system, building upon the foundation laid by "Gacha Life."

Released across multiple platforms, including Android, PC, and iOS, "Gacha Club" represents the final installment in Lunime's Gacha game series. It debuted on June 30, 2020, for Android users, followed by a Windows release on July 10th, and an iOS release on August 16th of the same year. With over 10 million installations and 100 thousand reviews, the game has seen significant popularity. Currently, the game stands at version 1.0.7, with a total of seven updates.

Luni announced Gacha Life 2's name change to Gacha Club


  • Customize 100 characters for free!
  • All outfits and hairstyles are free!
  • Over 200 pets to customize colors!
  • Change outline colors of characters!
  • Collect over 200 characters!
  • Battle monsters in Story mode!
  • Play rhythm songs in DJ Showdown!
  • Mini games to unlock special characters!


Home Studio Units Gacha Battle Mini Games Options

Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
LuniMerutoro10SenpaibunsTeaCakuCrydiaaMonet LilliPurorangeRaddShizu Forever
Games New WonderEnd 0 WE0IconGacha Life 2 Gacha Life 2 AppGacha Club GciconRate My OC RmociconGacha Life GlflogoGacha League GllogoGacha Memories GmlogoMeme Gacha MglogoPocket Chibi PclogoGacha Resort GrlogoAnime Fidget Spinner Battle AfslogoGacha Studio GslogoNeko Gacha NekoGacha World Gacha-world iconAnime Arcade AnimeArcadeIconAnime Gacha AnimeGachaIcon
Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book
Features HomeStudioUnitsGachaBattleMini GamesOptionsSecretsSoundtracksSoundsTutorialUnused ContentCurrencies
Currencies GoldGemsTicketsBitsEnhancement StarsSkill MoonsAwakening Records
Misc PresetsClubsTitles
Clubs Gacha (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) • Water (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Wind (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Fire (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Light (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dark (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Corruption (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)All-Stars (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bamboo (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Bubble TeaCandyCosplayCyan (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Danger (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Dragon (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)DreamsDuckFluffyGalaxy (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Gamer (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)GlitchKawaiiKnightLegend (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)Lore (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)MagicNekoNeonPastelPhantomPotatoRainbowRhythmRoseSchmellyUWUVinylClub WhaleXVIPGachatubers
Menus Main StoryElemental TowersTraining ModeShadows of Corruption
Gameplay Battle StrategiesPetsStatsElements
Protags BellaLadoLemoYuniReinMilyUsalinaDJ AtomNeonMerupoLithPhantomVinyl
Chapters Chapter 1-1Chapter 1-2Chapter 1-3Chapter 1-4Chapter 1-5Chapter 1-6Chapter 1-7Chapter 2-1Chapter 2-2Chapter 2-3Chapter 2-4Chapter 2-5Chapter 2-6Chapter 2-7Chapter 3-1Chapter 3-2Chapter 3-3Chapter 3-4Chapter 3-5Chapter 3-6Chapter 3-7Chapter 4-1Chapter 4-2Chapter 4-3Chapter 4-4Chapter 4-5Chapter 4-6Chapter 4-7Chapter 5-1Chapter 5-2Chapter 5-3Chapter 5-4Chapter 5-5Chapter 5-6Chapter 5-7
Skills Power StrikeMP StrikeHeal StrikeStun StrikeATK+ StrikeATK- StrikeDEF+ StrikeDEF- StrikeCrit+ StrikeCrit- StrikePower All StrikeHeal All StrikeStun All StrikeATK+ All StrikeATK- All StrikeDEF+ All StrikeDEF- All StrikeCrit+ All StrikeCrit- All StrikeMP BoostUltimate HealUltimate BuffUltimate Debuff
Passives Team Max HP+Team ATK+Team DEF+Team Crit DMG+Team Crit Rate+Team MP Boost
Gacha Club Water Element LadoLuniSnomallowReefBlueberry PielotGlammDreamyChrisCynSyeMizumiSaikiSebastianOrionFelixFadeVI and IVMashNekomuuEmikoDanaFuyumiMoemuraRenninEvyllnLexiaWolfychuKinenStefleZebulonCharlotteTeaCakuZack6XZLyteCykopath
Gacha Club Wind Element LemoRamunadeMofumofuThomas CatCedarRemmyKiwiManami LinSylphidSeer LancePatkunOliverCatgirlSammyLayneSilviaIrisKazekuraPirima-toilMidoriClaraNakashima YukiRomeoKeitoKyonJaeAspasdinidiesSpringMeloa & LenoaJin NguyenCloverOhige Alien
Gacha Club Fire Element YuniRinrinViviLammia SparklesAngelicaWikkiPoppyComander FierinSatsunaLuciferYukinachanYunaRadd1tz_Kal3mLilliIchiZielLeonMuuHotaruCarmaFlashyKlauLuluuRoseEsfirasyaElaineMattKouXDjole
Gacha Club Light Element ReinCleonyaCaramelKaedeMariposaPicc & PawketMintyHoang ZhaoMichaelOta & RisSenpaibunsMale BunsRoroCrydiaaCollinDaisy BakaNiaAlvasNyahal TajaMeikoYumiHatsyaMumbleMomoKatMaeAiaiTiaPOP STAREveGoddess
Gacha Club Dark Element MilyMoka000BexVivvleMarkApple PierateWeiYangRenegadeTabTabMeromeroKuroKuroClaudiaRobinPenelopeLonelyZyphon HaintAlkyAriaCarlaHatsumiNemuKiyomiNgocMortShizuRogerChericaMaxMelodyLilith
Gacha Club Corruption Element UsalinaLuniRamunadeBexTeaCakuChaotic OwOKiwiFierinManami LinVileblood RyanBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiKurakazeNekomuuEmikoCarmaMomom oKlauNgocKat? True Mort ?Male CrySickmeterBellaDictator Hatsya
Gacha Club DJ Element AtomLuniRamunadeLadoBexKiwiBunsMale BunsRaddCryLilliDaisyIchiCarmaFierinManami LinJinKlauKatNgocNekomuuHatsEvyllnMortRyanJaeAlveeAsifDJ LEAK!!!Bella
Gacha Club Shadow Element NeonMerupoLithPhantomVinylLuniMegunaYuni & LemoLander BlazerRyan & Manami000 (Lv.666)
Rate My OC Gacha Life 2