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Fully Loaded Legacy, or also known as FLL, is a Scf-fi roleplaying player VS. Player game made by Cyan Productions and LoadedGames.

Official Bio

Fullyloadedlegacy (FLL) is a web-based, Sci-fi, Role playing player vs. player game, made from the youngest game team yet! This game takes place in a land called Foe (Forces of Evil) and the capital city of tech city in which many champions join together from each city of foe to overcome the power against the rising villain, AlphaZero.

Zero's mission is to capture all Crystals; crystals were forged by all elements and sent down to each city of foe. The champions must go through missions to capture all crystals before AlphaZero does and deliver it to the forgery of Victory. AlphaZero or the hero must be stopped. Whom will you choose? The forces of Good. Or the forces of Evil?


All of the locations written here are in the land of Forces of Evil.

Location Information
Tech City
Tech City is the main city in Fully Loaded Legacy. It is a capital of twelve elements, and is currently being destroyed by AlphaZero. Tech City is the first city where you get to do your first mission called Tech Mission and defeat monsters. There are additional buildings available:
  • Hair Shop - a place where you can customize your look. It is owned by Ringoz and his brother.
  • Tech Armory - an item shop supposedly owned by Yen.
  • Hotel - a place where you can take a nap.
  • Mall - a shopping and battling area.
  • Deivid's Battle Dome - a shopping and battling area. This is where you have to do your first mission.
Vulco City
Vulco City is one of the first cities player visits during the main storyline. Vulco City is constitutional monarchy. The constitution was written by the first king of Vulco to limit monarchies so that they couldn't become tyrants. It has been improved since by later kings, queens and citizens. This is where the player has to do the Vulco Mission and obtain a Fire Crystal.
Pearl City
Pearl City is the third city player visits during the main storyline. It is an underground city, first named Atlantis. This is where the player has to do the Pearl Mission and obtain a Water Crystal. There are additional buildings available:
  • Temple of Nile
  • Music Shop
The Sky
The Sky is the biggest area of Fully Loaded Legacy, containing thirty islands in total. The clouds below The Sky are the deadliest part of the map. This is where the player has to do the Wind Mission and obtain a Wind Crystal. The only way to get there is by using a teleporter in the Tower of Mana. There are additional places available:
  • Ring Island - the island where the teleporter brings you. It connects all 30 islands, so that they don't float away. It has 15 additional teleporters to travel from one island to another, but the player needs a Portal Stone to operate it.
  • Wing Palace - the capital city of The Sky. This is where you can purchase pets, bikes, swords and other goods. It is currently ruled by Queen Luxia IV, who keeps the Book of Prophecy.
  • Astral Island - the location of The Wind Crystal and Ormix's current hometown. The Crystal Shrine is located there and is a popular tourist attraction, since many come there to see The Wind Crystal.
  • Astral Falls - a magic waterfall and the main water source of Astral Island. You can get MP for ten minutes, if you pay the guardian a Mana Fragment.


Name Information
Ringoz owns a hair shop in Tech City with his brother, and lets you customize your hairstyle. He was supposed to have his own storyline, but, due to discontinuation of the game, he never got one. He is also the name of a moderator and lead artist of Fully Loaded Legacy.
Flare Aurea Vulco, shortly known as Flare, is a major character in Vulco and Vulcanis storylines. She is the current heiress to the Vulco Throne. She can be found in several places of the Vulco City, especially in Inner Vulco. She was supposed to know the location of the Fire Crystal, however over time its location has become unknown to everyone but its guardians. She used to have a brother named Blaze Vulco.
Her character design has went through 4 different revamps.
Sky is the main character of Fully Loaded Legacy storyline. He visited every city of Foe, summoned each champion and brought to Tech City to fight AlphaZero, the rising villain.
Rexan is Sky's brother. He's located in various areas, with different outfit colors to accompany it. For example, if seen near the Tech City mall, he will wear an apparel with black and red colors. Rexan's storyline is a work in progress, but something was mentioned about quests in a swamp.
Nothing much is known about him, except that he was removed from the game, due to design changes.
Acacia Rose
Acacia Rose, also known as Force of Natural, is a character in the main storyline. She tries to stop the war between good and evil, and has been there since it started.
Yen is found near an upcoming Tech Armory store, and is joined by CheeseHeroX. He was supposed to be placed inside of the store and sell new Fully Loaded Legacy items.
CheeseHeroX is one of the champions Sky summoned, but he doesn't have a tech disk to be an official one. In version 0.3, it was revealed that he will have his own storyline. He's located outside Ringoz's barber shop.
Deivid is one of the most powerful champions of Sky. He owns a battle dome near Tech City mall where the player can play the first mission. He can be found in two different places - outside and inside the battle dome. Since version 0.3 he can be found battling robots.
Ringoz's Brother
Ringoz's brother owns a hair shop with Ringoz, and lets you customize your hairstyle. A mistake was done with his character - he was put in the same room as Ringoz, making them both have a similar look. Since version 0.3, you have the ability to talk with him.
AlphaZero is the main antagonist and target of Fully Loaded Legacy. His plan is to capture all twelve crystals to obtain the legendary Elemental Tech Disk and use it against its will. He went through a lot during his childhood - his parents fought all the time, later passing away. His childhood experiences are the main cause of his revenge.
Nameless is a major character in Vulco and Vulcanis storylines. He can be considered a guardian of the Fire Crystal, and he assists Sky and the player to find it. He is a Vulcanis of an unknown origin, and you have to figure it out before starting the Vulcanis storyline.
His current hometown is Astral Island. Nothing more is known about him.
Nicole Fitzgerald, shortly known as Nikki, is one of the major non-playable characters in-game, alongside with her brother Ian. Nothing more is known about her.
Ian Jacob Fitzgerald, shortly known as Ian, is one of the major non-playable characters in-game, alongside with her sister Nikki. Nothing more is known about him.


  • Its website looks very similiar to the website of PTRO.


External Links

Color Burst Cyan Productions