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Lunime Wiki

Frost is a Water Unit who appears in Gacha World in the first area of the Xkour Skyline. She also appears in Gacha Resort, Anime Fidget Spinner Battle, and Anime Gacha as part of the Vinyl Fantasy case.

In Gacha World, she is the first Guardian the Gacha Summoner faces when trying to reach the Creator of Xkour.

Her special skill is "Frost Crystal," in which Frost summons a giant ice crystal to freeze all enemies, doing water damage. Her leadership skill is "Gem Apprentice," which increases the drop rate of gems by 3%

Frost does not have an in-game lore page.


Anime Fidget Spinner Battle

Lv. 1 LB 0 Lv. 1 LB 200 Lv. 180 LB 0 Lv. 180 LB 200
ATK 15 2,700
HP 25 4,500


"My ice will cool you down, to death!" - Frost's skill quote in Gacha World

"You won't resist the cold." Frost's quote in Gacha Club


