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Lunime Wiki

Felicity is a character in Gacha Life, located in School F2 East B. She is a third grader who dispenses kid wisdom. Her preferred gift category is Candy.


Felicity is a young girl with short blonde hair tied into mini ponytails.

She has blue eyes and wears red glasses.

Her outfit consists of a pink hoodie with a purple heart in the middle, a white skirt, black knee socks, and white shoes with small pink bows and bears on them. She is usually carrying Kuma, her teddy bear with her, and in Gacha Life she wears a blue backpack.


  • Her teddy bear is named Kuma.  She has had him for 6 years.
  • She has seen a double rainbow.
  • She wants to be a princess and live in castle when she grows up.
  • She once jump-roped for 12 minutes straight.
  • Her favorite chalk color is purple.
Gacha Life Logo
Gameplay Elements CharactersLocationsGiftsMini GamesGemsGachaCredits
Hometown LuniSenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuni
School Courtyard NgocMoeKatMidoriProf. GachaSelenaLily
Floor 1 1chiFuuKumaNurse LuckChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroy
Floor 2 CarmaSakuraTakeshiFelicityLucaHime-samaRockstar-chanRadd
Floor 3 SweetgumBijuu MikeSenpai Artz
Roof FlashyKlauNikki NiiJoelSpongey
Park AlexaEzraHannahKaiPixie
City Gacha City FierinBexPiccPawketSatsunaCalebEmma
West of City LeafuCharlotteSerenity
Back Alley DaisyRinSparkyJae
Beach MizumiMumbleChronoBrodyCoralOttoSummer
Station Train Station SquidiInxanity
Train Dimension Rambo Nyan KittyXenos
Snowlands YukinaKinenFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterCrystal
Desert DamianAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarik
Bamboo Village WeiFengQingLilySpringJadePo
Spookyville AlisaEnzoThornAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaMorganaShadowNemuPhantomC.C.
Secret CharacteryMagical LuniLusaSuperBrian25RamunadeM u um o