“ | High or low? Let's find out with death.
” |
― Dice |
Dice is a wind unit, who made his debut and, for the time being, only appearance in Gacha World's Corruption update as a 7-star unit. He later appears in Gacha Club as a part of Club Wind.
He was created and illustrated by PurOrange.
- Dice's Lore from Gacha World
Dice was born in a wealthy family whose luck is absurdly high, who needed not any financial support even from his parents due to his apparent skill in gambling at a young age, being really into casinos. Whenever he gambles, he usually gains most of the prizes be it wealth or expensive merchandise. At raffles, he's usually the winner. His influence of luck is by far one of the most powerful causality abilities, giving him a very "lucky" advantage.
Dice is actually the founder of Xkour after Luni created everything. Dice created the virtual reality game Cyto and his friends are playing. He used most of his funds that he won from gambling into developing a game. Kilios is a part of their staff team as a moderator. Dice was out when there bred corruption in the Xkour itself, Killios and Luna being the source for Skylines and the Main World respectively.
Dice's luck was too outrageous to the point where he was rolling Luni's game, he almost got RNG Goddess Ellie himself, showing that his luck outclassed her RNG abilities until Creator Luni personally intervened and dragged him into her game instead, being a hero who is one of the hardest to get for the Gacha Summoner in contrast to his insane luck. His influence also aids the Gacha Summoner to have a higher chance of gaining much more gems compared to other heroes.
(Dice's skill desciption says he has a 50/50 chance of doing 10X damage, but his luck is so high that the chances of doing 10X damage is a 75% chance!)
Abilities & skills
His special attack is "All or Nothing", in which Dice rolls his dice and can do either no damage or 10 times normal wind damage against a single enemy. While the skill description in game lists the chances at 50/50, his background lore sets the rate at closer to 25/75. His leadership skill is "Easy Gems", which increases the rate of gem drops by 7%.