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Lunime Wiki

Delightful DeeA is a dark unit, who made her debut in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle as a 6-star unit. She also appeared in Gacha Resort. She was created by PurOrange.


Baller Kugari

Baller Kugari is a boy DeeA has a crush on ever since he bought her the biggest lollipop at the candy store. However, the girl's behavior towards him might be considered as rather creepy; she likes to stalk him, refers to him as her future husband, and collects the rubbish he leaves behind. Luckily, Kugari hasn't noticed her strange demeanor.

Penelope Coconut

Penelope Coconut is DeeA's sister who was nearly killed in an accident. In an attempt to save Penelope's life, DeeA placed Penelope's soul in a doll body. It did not work quite as planned, as Penelope's mindset and sanity got worse. Therefore, DeeA plays a more mature and caring role in this relationship.

Yandere Kuku

Yandere Kuku is someone DeeA shares a crush on Kugari. They are both extremely competitive against each other, always showing off what the boy has done for them or what kind of items they have collected from him. At the end, they both reach an agreement to share him with each other, as long as DeeA doesn't do anything with him and Kuku doesn't marry him.


  • "Defeating you might satisfy my sweet tooth!" (skill quote)
  • "This sucker tastes so good!"
  • "Oh no, did this candy make my tongue turn purple?"
  • "Stop or I'll suck the life out of you!"
  • "Nothing beats a lollipop and the beach!"
  • "Always brush your teeth with a Grape flavored lollipop!"
  • "Trust me, I had no idea we were really going to win!" (Winning)
  • "This defeat tastes like a stale lollipop!" (Losing)
  • "Make sure no sand gets on my candy!" (Gem Beach)
Gacha Resort
Features AdventureBeach RelayChallengesGachaMini GamesGiftsShop
Story Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Miscellaneous SummonerEllieCoruRogerSadiKakuiPina
Swimmer AoiTanned RafaWanchanFloaty ImoutoBeachball-ChanSurfboard-KunSchool BoyHarpiaSchool GirlGamer SwirlyWater FairyWind FairyFire FairyModel KeithModel Leslie
Wonderland AliceJesterMikoIdol TinaLunaCytoRockin’ SamNaitoCocoSchool IdolSethKugariSenseiHikariMummy
ManaGwenDevil AkkiNekohimeLolita LoliNurse RisaUsagi MeidoPopstar AsifMaid SanaOni-ChanXyanSamurai KasaiBlazPirate JessieDemon Hunter
FrostCrescentiaInfernoYumeCheeryUndinePeaceEfreetJet AceSparky ChinsCrescendoJessaRyanStarMallory
LuniNaomiKukuMitsukoLilithLyteCloverXEvePhantomCykoEllynReddoxShiroMagyClaireTiffReedCupidMelnyaEvyllnKazetoKarmaAliceMelodyCyanthiaFerryXiaoNova BladeTemachiiBlaireElsieDinoRaimu1chiAnavelAraSheepyKeitoLuiselleCecilia NieveKitty NellaVentusGympie ToxicariaVynil E-347ArniceYasuhaRinGraf SpeeAureliaRashmiKisaraAmaiFlarion V. FenrirKumamochiShinu SoburuZodiacal MonyaNilvera
Charlotte MeiSylphScythe RipperKimi SinsLunithAriaCarolinaCarrieHeatherNyalaNieroDaisy BakaReiaLulanoDeeALucas LeeJaesellePrincess RosetteKiliosShanielleMoonlight LunaNiaJuno SydeMaou Edith