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Lunime Wiki

Cyanity is a mobile strategic fighting game published by Lunime on April 1, 2014. It first originated as a Cyan Productions project from 2013,[1] but was never released under the former company's title. An iOS version and a PC demo were also initially promised; however, both of them never came out.
In the game, the player gets to play as Cyana, a fighter that is destined to defeat the shapeshifting monsters known as Cyanity, and bring back the world of Cyan to peace.



Main gameplay screen

Players control Cyana as she fights her way through 100+ battles with her sword and her ally Cayn. Using the controls on the right, players can attack, combo, or use special skills that unlock over time. Players can also dodge attacks using a well-timed tap of the dodge button on the left. All actions have a cooldown time which can be shortened by increasing the character's stats. Cayn is not controlled by the player, but periodically attacks with a knife combo. Players also have access to "Cyanity" a state where the player's damage is increased for a brief time.
By winning battles, the player gains XP and cash. Cash can be used to purchases upgrades and improve skills and combos. By leveling up, players can increase Cyana's stats, improving her health, damage, and speed.


  • Cyana and Cayn appear as presets in Gacha Club. Club Cyan also appears to be inspired by the Cyanity universe.
  • In one of the later versions of the game, there is a glitch that resets the price of all skill upgrades every time you reload the game. This can be used to max out the section with ease.
  • 'Cyanity' is a portmanteau of Cyan and Insanity.
  • Stage 40's Boss alias is Reaper of the Gear, same as name of DJ Phantom's mixgear.
  • There is another character you can play as called Cythe who can be unlocked after beating her in stage 100.
  • There are 5 Google Play achievements linked to this game. However, it is impossible to obtain them, due to them being made for testing.[2]


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Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
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Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book